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Podsumowanie DwuTygodnia 13.08 - 31.08.2014

Znany YouTuber Radek Kotarski wystąpił w reklamie Banku Millennium

Radek Kotarski, twórca kanału "Polimaty" na YouTubie oraz współzałożyciel firmy LifeTube, będzie reklamował Bank Millennium. To pierwsza tak duża tradycyjna kampania reklamowa z udziałem znanego YouTubera. Od dzisiaj w telewizji będą emitowane spoty reklamowe z udziałem Kotarskiego. Pierwszy etap kampanii ma charakter wizerunkowo-edukacyjny. YouTuber przybliży widzom historię bankowości oraz podstawowe zasady bankowania.

Ikea's catalog now uses 75 percent computer generated imagery

Browsing through an Ikea catalog is basically a modern adult's version of playing make-believe, letting you imagine just how gorgeous your apartment will never be. And it turns out, an Ikea catalog is even further from reality than you may have already thought: 75 percent of its product images are now CG.

Nude Photos Of Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton, Ariana Grande Leak In Massive iCloud Hack

Jennifer Lawrence, Ariana Grande, and Kate Upton were among a handful of celebrities whose nude photos were leaked late Sunday afternoon following what appears to be a large-scale hack.The photos first appeared on a 4Chan thread (very NSFW).

'Dota 2' is on the front page of today's New York Times

Gaming If anyone is still questioning the legitimacy of e-sports, today should be a bit of a wake up call. The lead photo on the front page of today's New York Times is of this July's $10 million Dota 2 tournament, The International.

'Dungeons & Dragons' mobile game may let you create a world to battle in

Here's the thing: you can't really make Dungeons & Dragons into a video game. It's a game that lets players do basically anything that they want to, and that's not something that can be translated to a digital world. That hasn't stopped a lot of people from trying, though, and we're about to see another attempt at it.

Facebook Takes Steps to Fight Click-Bait

Chad Wittman , Founder, EdgeRank Checker With some simple changes, Facebook takes another step to reward creative marketers who don't attract readers by posting spammy content. Facebook has announced major changes regarding how the News Feed will operate.

Rexona tworzy interaktywne posty na Facebooku

Dodajecie do postów na Facebooku zdjęcia? Znacie odpowiednie wymiary? Założę się, że tak. Choć byście dodali do posta najładniejsze motywujące, informujące czy konkursowe foto, będzie to nadal tylko statyczna grafika, prawda? A co by można zrobić, żeby pokazywała ona więcej niż obrazek 404×404 px? Zobaczcie na jaki ciekawy pomysł wpadła Rexona: Spodobał Ci się wpis?

This is the greatest 'Star Trek' selfie ever taken

Somehow, perhaps by some warping of the space-time continuum caused by the events of JJ Abrams' time traveling Star Trek movie, cast members from The Next Generation recently met up with Captain Kirk here on Earth for the Wizard World Comic-Con in Chicago and took the following photo, which has been deemed a "selfie."

Picdeck is a Tweetdeck-Inspired Web App for Instagram

Marvel, the London-based prototyping platform, has created Picdeck to organize your Instagram feed. Like Tweetdeck, the web app allows you to add columns based on users or hashtags, making it easier for users to follow live updates on certain topics, something that Instagram on the web is notoriously bad at.

Burger King is Giving Away Smartphones. Yes, That Burger King

Burger King has a whopper of a deal this week. Starting Monday, the fast food chain will be offering about two dozen free smartphones free with two-year contracts with AT&T, Sprint and Verizon. The phones include the Moto X, the Samsung G4, the LG Optimus G Pro, the HTC One M7 and the Motorola Droid Mini.

Activity Index for Twitter and YouTube in Sotrender

Years ago Sotrender introduced the index called Interactivity Index for Facebook which is a collective, weighted rate of all the activities performed within a Facebook page. Now we're moving one step further to introduce similar indexes also for Twitter profiles and YouTube channels. How do we measure them?

Emmys 2014: The Complete Winners List

LOS ANGELES - We've got the complete list of winners and nominees from the 66th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards.

VMAs: Complete Winners List From the MTV Video Music Awards

INGLEWOOD, California - The MTV Video Music Awards handed out its moon-man trophies Sunday night at the Forum. Winners are below in bold. Video of the Year Beyoncé ft. JAY Z - "Drunk In Love"Iggy Azalea ft. Charli XCX - "Fancy"Pharrell Williams - "Happy"Sia - "Chandelier" Miley Cyrus - "Wrecking Ball" WINNER Best Pop Iggy Azalea ft.

2014 Agency of the Year shortlists revealed

2014 Agency of the Year shortlists revealed Did your shop make the cut? Check out which creative, digital, media and PR agencies stand a chance at being crowned at strategy's annual awards gala in October. The deliberations are over, and the scores are in.

Dad-To-Be Captured His Wife's Entire Pregnancy In Just 6 Seconds

Ian Padgham is a popular Viner, with over 350,000 followers and dozens of videos, but his latest 6-second clip may be his best yet: He documented his wife Claire's 9-month pregnancy. In an interview with Buzzfeed, Padgham explained that he and Claire were able to create the Vine by filming two frames for each month of her pregnancy, saying "it was a fun way to capture the process."

Dwie osoby, jeden utwór - Serendipity pokazuje gdzie dotarło już Spotify - AntyWeb

Czy byłeś kiedyś ciekaw czy na świecie ktoś odtwarza właśnie ten sam utwór w Spotify co Ty? Jaka nie byłaby Twoja odpowiedź, zaręczam że projekt Serendipity jest zdecydowanie wart odwiedzenia. Niby nic wielkiego, ale „zabawa" jest całkiem niezła.

Tomasz Bagiński chce zrobić fabularny film "Wiedźmin" [ AKTUAL.]

Na stronie PISF pojawiła się lista wniosków do programu operacyjnego "produkcja filmowa". Wśród projektów jest pełnometrażowy "Wiedźmin" autorstwa Tomasza Bagińskiego - reżysera i udziałowca Platige Image.

Nike and AKQA Create an LED Basketball Court to Help Kids Learn Kobe's Moves

Global design firm AKQA and ubiquitous shoe manufacturer Nike have collaborated on a full-size LED basketball court for Nike Rise, a program designed to train Chinese youth based on the techniques and practice drills of Kobe Bryant.

Ranking polskich stron firmowych

Ranking rodzimych stron firmowych w LinkedIn przygotowany przez wyłącznego partnera serwisu w Polsce, sieć reklamy premium

P.T. - świetna gra marketingowa

Wszystko o uniwersum gry Przystań Szarego Strażnika Twój portal FIFA! Wszystko o Grand Theft Auto V Kompendium wiedzy o HitmanieInteraktywny zwiastun, który doprowadza do zawału serca. Gamescom, Kolonia. Trwa konferencja Sony. Prezentowane są kolejne produkcje, tytuły dobrze już znane, jak i dopiero co ogłoszone. Nagle zapada cisza. Pojawia się kolejny zwiastun.

Twitter popularniejszy w mediach tradycyjnych, Facebook tuż za nim

Home " Raporty " Twitter popularniejszy w mediach tradycyjnych, Facebook tuż za nim 18/08/2014 Media tradycyjne coraz chętniej i częściej sięgają po informacje zamieszczone w mediach społecznościowych. W przeciągu dwóch lat odnotowano trzykrotny wzrost liczby cytowań. Prym wiedzie Twitter (47%), który najbliżej związany jest z polityką.

Now you can share a Coke with a League of Legends character

Thanks to League of Legends ' enduring popularity and developer Riot Games' partnership with Coca-Cola, champions from the game are now appearing on packaging for Coke products in Korea. Marc Merrill, president and co-founder of Riot Games, tweeted the above photo today.

Twitter Urges Celebrities To Tweet at Each Other

Twitter just made it easier for celebrities, and other verified users, to interact with each other on the platform. Two new features rolled out on Wednesday will increase the visibility of verified users in each other's feeds - effectively encouraging high-profile users to trade more compliments, insults or expressions of undying love.

This could be a stormtrooper from 'Star Wars: Episode VII'

Culture IndieRevolver has published pictures of redesigned Imperial stormtrooper helmets that it claims will be used in the upcoming Star Wars: Episode VII. If the images are legitimate, then it begs a question of Episode VII's closely-guarded story: with Emperor Palpatine destroyed and Darth Vader dead at the end of Return of the Jedi, how is the Empire still functional enough to field an army?