Sarah has built a professional learning bookshelf. See her recommendations and build your own.
Teachers matter. A lot. Studies show that students with the best teachers learn three times as much as students with the worst teachers. Researchers say the achievement gap between poor children and their higher-income peers could disappear if poor kids got better teachers.
Posted: We listened to the sound of the singing bowl on the first day of school. Actually, we listened to the sound of the bowl every day during the first week. The children were drawn to the bowl or the bell, as we sometimes called it.
It's no secret that reading is good for you. Just six minutes of reading is enough to reduce stress by 68%, and numerous studies have shown that reading keeps your brain functioning effectively as you age. One study even found that elderly individuals who read regularly are 2.5 times less likely to develop Alzheimer's than their peers.
How to allocate study time. Why transfer is hard. Why students remember or forget. Why students think they understand when they don't. Why practice is important. Why people love and remember stories. Why...
The Common Core State Standards have led to big changes in the way many teachers approach reading instruction.
Whenever a college student asks me, a veteran high-school English educator, about the prospects of becoming a public-school teacher, I never think it's enough to say that the role is shifting from "content expert" to "curriculum facilitator."
"Spontaneous reading happens for a few kids. The vast majority need (and all can benefit from) explicit instruction in phonics." From the creator of "Schooling the World" international education documentary.
Creative Courage for Young Hearts: 15 Emboldening Picture Books Celebrating the Lives of Great Artists, Writers, and Scientists
by Maria Popova Jane Goodall, Julia Child, Pablo Neruda, Marie Curie, E.E. Cummings, Albert Einstein, Ella Fitzgerald, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Frida Kahlo, and more.
If you’re like many educators, summer is the perfect (and only!) time to catch up on all of those “teacher books” you’ve wanted to read all year. Here are 10 of my favorites—some are new and some are classics—but they all offer fresh, smart ideas you can use in your classroom.
Talking in Class: Using Discussion to Enhance Teaching and Learning,by McCann, Johannessen, Khan and Flanagan, has many secondary English strategies that I used in my own classroom. If you’re looking for new ways to implement discussion-based activities and assessments, this book will provide you with a road map to make these ideas a reality.