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Updated by Seth Gwynn on Feb 02, 2024
Seth Gwynn Seth Gwynn
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Tips To Choosing The Best Haircuts For Men

Everyday there are thousands of men thinking of getting a new hairstyle. When considering getting a haircut, there are some things that you will need to think about.

50+ Men's Short Hairstyles & Haircut Ideas

If you haven't already updated your hairstyle for 2014, you're not to late - there's still time to get a new look for the new year. Lately, men's 'dos have reached new heights (sometimes literally). Well-groomed gents are experimenting with cuts, styles, and products more that ever before, and short hair is no exception to the trend.

Men's Short Hairstyles & Cuts

Editors' picks for the best hairstyle inspiration for 2014, including haircuts for all types of stylish men. For a look at the latest men's fashion to complement the look, check out Esquire's Style Blog for hot new trends in menswear.

How To Get A Perfect Haircut Every Time

Want to get the perfect haircut every time? We asked celebrity stylists for their haircut tips for men.

How to choose a hairstyle: tips for men

Choosing a new hairstyle can be an all-in-one intimidating, exciting and consuming experience, but it can also lead to the most unbelievable transformations. Even for a man who prefers to avoid complications, a new hairstyle lies as the perfect excuse to embrace change, to grow into someone better, to reinvent himself when the right time arrives.

How Men Can Choose the Perfect Haircut

Jupiterimages/Stockbyte/Getty Images Getting just the right cut can be a challenge. Many guys don't know where to start and how to choose the right haircut for their face shape or how to choose the style that fits their lifestyle.

Men's Hairstyles: 2014

Is Your Hairstyle The Same As It Was In 2013? The start of a new year signals that it's time to examine whether or not an update in yourappearance is in order, and a fresh haircut is the fastest way to shake things up.

How to Choose a Long Men's Hairstyle

Why should women get all the beauty tips? These Howcast videos help men look their best, with advice on dealing with baldness; using aftershave; grooming a beard, mustache, and sideburns; getting a great haircut; choosing the best hair products; and much more. Steps Avoid the mullet, that oft-derided, short-on-top-long-in-back hair fiasco.

How To Choose Hair Styles for Men

These days men are getting on the personal grooming wagon more than ever. Just as with women, the right hair style can improve a man's appearance instantly. When choosing men's hair styles you'll want to pay attention to the trends out there, as well as what style works best with your hair.