Listly by Rohit Gahlyan
Here you can read about SEO.There are step by step SEO Tutorials about new techniques of SEO.Read and enjoy
SEO Relevant Filenames To improve your search engine optimization use keywords in your files name. Use file name short and descriptive and also use same keywords in the file name as in your website page titles. Just try giving any...
Web designing is an art, a skill and an expertise which can be learned and developed easily with a little bit of guidance and abilities. The more attractive, impressive and comprehensive is your website, the more viewers, audience and customers it will attract.
SEO techniques are classified into two broad categories: Those techniques which search engine recognizes as good design are referred as "White Hat SEO" The techniques which are not recognized by search engine and it attempts to minimize the effect are referred as "Black Hat or Spamdexing SEO" The SEO techniques would be recognized as "White Hat" if; It conforms to the search engine's guidelines.
Following is relevant in this regard: SEO Stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is a procedure to optimize a web site for Search Engines. SEO is a process of designing and developing a web site to be recognized well in search engine results.
In view of the huge traffic on internet every web designer wants to get an edge on his competitors to bring his web page on top regardless of his best services being offered. Somebody down below may be better in giving results. You can offer incentives and bonuses to your customers to gain an edge over your competitors.