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Updated by Nivedita Ramakrishnan on Mar 23, 2016
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10 Disney movies starring animals

One thing all of us love is Disney. And when you think of Disney, the first thing that comes to your mind is Mickey Mouse--a mouse. Over the years, Disney has evolved and won all our hearts with a plethora of many other animals. Here are they all!


Steamboat Willie

Steamboat Willie

Why not start off a Disney list with the main man himself! Steamboat Willie was the debut of our favorite Mickey Mouse. Though he's starred in many more movies, I'm going to stick to just this one for Mickey as its way too classical.


The Lion King

The Lion King

Just WHO of us has not even remotely liked Lion King? I'd definitely not be surprised if the answer is none. Though it has two more sequels in its bag, the first classical movie is simply the best. The 'Circle of Life' taught me loads, that's for sure.


The Aristocats

The Aristocats

French cats playing high-and-low-society folks? Count me in! I was introduced to this when I'd just entered teenage by a mother of twins. This movie has never failed to lighten me up since then.


The Jungle Book

The Jungle Book

Ahh, words fail my emotions on this movie. This is among those childhood movies that have shaped me, nothing more to say really. Many think that the real India is reflected through this movie, but nah--just stereotypes. One thing's sure: you can watch this without ever getting bored.


One Hundred and One Dalmatians

One Hundred and One Dalmatians

Yet another classic, this. Its spanned so much popularity for its family-based attributes, but is now famed among kids for its merchandise. Then again, this is pure love right here.




When I see any deer, I only think of Bambi and Thumper--like many of us. Its an inspiring movie for me as it teaches how to evolve, accept life and move on, and learn to support yourself.


Lady and The Tramp

Lady and The Tramp

I have watched this movie over 30 times and have successfully managed to cry a bucket-load (not really) of tears at the end. Love isn't just an all-human emotion, it is immense and a wonderful things for dogs, too!




Dumbo is simply the most innocent, sweetest movie there ever was. Its a must-watch no matter what!




'A dog's life,' they say. But not all dogs get to be Bolt, eh? If the kids of now won't watch the old Disney movies, switching them on to Bolt sure is a good way to get them clicking on to the good values that all Disney films seem to have in them.


Chicken Little

Chicken Little

"The sky is falling!" sure makes everyone laugh. But on the other hand, it helps in building trust in our relationships when we start to look in to what's really happening. Didn't get that? Well, watch this movie once and you'll know :)

Zootopia (2016)

Zootopia is beyond beautiful! Released this year in 2016, it is a definite must watch and is most inspirational!