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Updated by TDI3 on Feb 18, 2017
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TDI3 Presentation Archive

Recorded web events, presentations, and other videos from The Decision Intelligence Institute International.

KPIs that Work - Decision Building Blocks Series

The key performance indicators of an organization are critical to the decision-making process, as we've discussed many times. In this thirty-minute webinar, we'll talk about KPIs, the difference between a key performance indicator and leading/lagging indicators, and why it all matters to the health of the organization as well as the engagement of the broader team. Recorded webinar session 25 September 2014.

11 Deadly Decision Dynamics

The only way to fix a problem is to first recognize that it exists. Join TDI3 as we look at Eleven Deadly Decision Dynamics - at least some of which are going on in most organizations around the world. Recorded webinar session 28 August 2014.

Why Big Decisions Sometimes Fail: 4 Signs of Decision Doom

Join Margaret Johnson of TDI3 as she discusses the four signs of decision doom, and how decisions can fail as a result. The message may seem simple, but oh, so needed, as we embark upon the "last mile of innovation" in companies and organizations around the world. Recorded webinar session 6 Aug 2014.