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Updated by itas_kit on Aug 07, 2014
itas_kit itas_kit
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Technology Assessment - Researchers

A list of Twitter profiles of researchers in the field of Technology Assessment.

Antoinette Thijssen (@AGThijssen)

Philosopher and communication professional; Head of Department Communication @RathenauNL, The Hague;
Science, Technology and Health

António Moniz (@abmoniz)

Professor at FCT, Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Senior researcher at ITAS-Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

astridmager (@astridmager)

postdoc @ Institute of Technology Assessment (ITA), Vienna - research on search engines, information politics, science & technology.. interested in life :)

Constanze Scherz (@c_scherz)

Social scientists, technology assessment, parliaments, Church and Society

Ingrid Geesink (@geesinki)

Research | Technology | Medicine | Rathenau | Photography | EU | NL | 020

Janneke Visser (@jannekevisser)

Senior communications advisor @rathenauNL. Travels. Rides bikes. Loves to learn.
Opinions my own. Or so I hope.

Michael Nentwich (@cyberscientist)

The author of Cyberscience (2003) and Cyberscience 2.0 (2012) is also a scientwist.

nuno boavida (@nunoboavida)

high as usual

Reinhard Heil (@HeilReinhard)

philosopher, technology assessment, synthetic biology, epigenetics, transhumanism, eugenics, zizek, big data ...

René König (@R_Koenig)

Sociologist & Internet researcher | Co-author of Cyberscience 2.0 | Co-editor of Society of the Query | PhD candidate @ITAS_KIT

Rene von Schomberg (@vonschomberg)

RENE VON SCHOMBERG is with the European Commission. He holds Ph.D's in Philosophy and Sciece and Technology Studies. Author/editor of 12 books.

Tore Tennøe (@tennoe)

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