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Updated by ItsAnArmsRace on Feb 13, 2025
Headline for Best Nerf Guns: The Ultimate List
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Best Nerf Guns: The Ultimate List

A growing list of the best NERF guns ever made, created with the help of fans everywhere. With this list you can not only see the highest rated blasters, but also stay on top of the latest releases, so you can have the most epic dart flinging arsenal of your own, and always know what you should bring to the next dart gun war.

This list has blasters in these series:

  • N-Strike
  • N-Strike Elite
  • Vortex
  • Rebelle
  • Zombie Strike
  • Doomlands 2169
  • N-Strike Modulus
  • Alien Menace
  • Accustrike
  • Impact Zone
  • Charmed
  • N-Strike Mega
  • + more!

You can sort the list using the filter selection below. This will allow you to see what's new in any of these series.


Nerf N-Strike Elite Rhino-Fire

With 2 alternating barrels, the Rhino-Fire with its futuristic looks has the firing style to match. It is an electronic, automatic blaster that is fed by two 25 round drums that clip into the sides giving it the look and feel of a turret straight out of a video game.

Dominate any battlefield with the double-barrel assault of the Rhino-Fire blaster! You can launch a blizzard of darts at targets up to 90 feet away from the blaster's two barrels, and its motorized firing puts you in control of the rate of fire! The blaster's 2 drums hold 25 darts each, and comes with 50 Elite Darts. Remove the tripod when you're on the move or attach it to steady your shots when you're firing from a secure location. You'll overwhelm the competition with the motorized, rapid-firing Rhino-Fire blaster!


  • Rhino-Fire blaster rapid-fires Elite darts from 2 alternating barrels with motorized blasting
  • Removable tripod helps you steady your shots
  • Blaster's 2 drums hold 25 Elite Darts each
  • Includes 50 Elite Darts
  • Requires 6 D batteries (not included)
Nerf N-Strike Mega Mastodon

This ginormous blaster sits at the top of the tech-tree in the N-Strike Mega series. Load it up with 6 D batteries and unleash full-auto fury on your friends. The shoulder strap and hand grip will have you throwing darts from your waist in true Rambo style. This 2016 special has hit Target and Toys-r-us. Don't forget to wheel the cart in with you because this massive blaster will need it!

Dominate NERF blaster battles with the first-ever motorized NERF N-Strike MEGA Mastodon Blaster! The NERF MEGA Mastodon blaster boasts incredible rapid-fire speeds to send MEGA Whistler darts screaming through the air from its integrated 24-dart drum. Bring the MEGA Mastodon Blaster into action to overwhelm opponents with its imposing size. Use the shoulder strap for easy maneuvering to be ready for NERF battles anytime, anywhere. Includes shoulder strap and 24 MEGA Whistler Darts.


  • Motorized MEGA blasting
  • 24-dart revolving drum
  • Fires darts up to 100 feet (30 meters)
  • Comes with 24 MEGA Whistler Darts
  • Includes motorized blaster, 24-dart drum, drum cage, 2 drum covers, handle, strap, 2 MEGA Whistler darts, and instructions
  • Requires 6 D batteries (not included)
  • Weighs in at 7.7 pounds
  • Dimensions (in inches) are 33.7 x 15.7 x 4.2
Nerf-N-Strike Elite Demolisher

I love a good game of strategy and it appears that the people at Nerf do to. With their latest missile launching, rapid firing, long-range addition there is no doubt that the video gamer was in the forefront of their minds.

Launch 2 types of ammo at your target with the Demolisher 2-in-1 blaster! This blaster has a maximum impact whether you're blasting big missiles with pump-fire action or unleashing a powerful barrage with motorized blasting. If you're in the mood to demolish the competition, you can fire both at once! Store your missiles in the detachable stock. You'll dominate the battlefield with the Demolisher 2-in-1 blaster!


  • Demolisher 2-in-1 blaster fires darts, missiles, or both up to 90 feet
  • Motorized dart blasting and pump-action missile blasting
  • Acceleration trigger powers up the motor
  • 10-dart banana clip
  • Detachable stock with integrated missile storage
  • Requires 4 AA batteries (not included)
  • Dimensions are 3.07 x 25.51 x 12.95 inches
Nerf N-Strike Elite Rapidstrike CS-18

Anyone who grew up with Nerf guns knows the dream of a fully automatic blaster. While there were some fully automatic blasters released before the Rapidstrike, such as the Stampede ECS and Vulcan EBF-25, these cannons have been too heavy and bulky to serve as anything but stationary machine guns for little people. And so, the Rapidstrike was released.

Stay mobile with this streamlined, lightweight Rapidstrike CS-18 blaster! The Nerf N-Strike Elite RapidStrike CS-18 Blaster gives you serious rapid-strike firepower. Spray a blanket of cover fire or go on the move with an all-out blitz! The blaster's Acceleration Trigger powers up the motor for super-speed firing. The clip holds all 18 of the included Elite Darts and it's see-through so you can do instant firepower checks! With a range of up to 75 feet, you've got long-range striking power and a lightning rate of fire. Get maximum mission mobility with the Rapidstrike CS-18 blaster!


  • The Rapid strike CS-18 blaster holds 18 Elite Darts
  • Acceleration Trigger powers up the motor for rapid firing
  • Fires Elite darts up to 75 feet.Colors may vary.Clip holds 18 darts and is see-through for instant firepower checks
  • Elite Darts work with any N-Strike Elite blaster and most original N-Strike blasters (sold separately)
  • 4 C batteries required (sold separately)
  • Dimensions are 4 x 24.5 x 12.8 inches
  • Weighs in around 3 pounds
Nerf Zombie Strike Hammershot

The blaster holds five darts in a revolving chamber. It’s got a gnarly faux-bandage around the grip that gives it an edgy, end-of-the-world feel. It also comes with a tactical rail for your favorite attachments and two sling adapters. The biggest “cool factor” on this blaster is the hammer action. The hammer is pulled back for each shot, meaning players will look like an Old West gunslinger when they’re in action.

When the zombies strike, you'll be prepped to double-tap them with the Zombie Strike Hammershot blaster! Quick-draw this 5-dart blaster and pull back the hammer to start firing Zombie Strike darts at your target. Reload fast, check for zombies and blast one-handed at them with the Hammershot blaster!


  • Hammershot blaster has hammer action shooting
  • Holds five Zombie Strike darts for rapid play
  • Nerf Zombie Blaster features unique one-handed blasting
Nerf N-Strike Longstrike CS-6

New from Nerf as of spring 2010, the Nerf Longstrike is a sniper rifle that out-looks, and out-lengths the popular Longshot CS-6. Yes, that's right, longer than the Nerf Longshot, which in 2010 made it longer than any Nerf gun previously made!

With this awesome, air-powered dart blaster, a long shot is a good thing! Measuring three feet long, this blaster is the longest NERF blaster yet and fires up to 35 feet! Attach the barrel extension for long-range targeting and use the tactical rails and flip-up sight to help you zero-in on targets near and far. Even when your target is on the move, you never have to worry about ammo, since your blaster can store two quick-reload clips! (One clip is included.) So grab your gear, steel your nerves and prepare to go long! Air-powered dart blaster is the longest NERF blaster yet. Ages 6 and up.


  • Air-powered dart blaster is the longest NERF blaster yet (back in 2010)
  • Barrel extension for long-range targeting, flip-up sight for better accuracy as you shoot your darts up to 35 feet!
  • Stock has slot for extra ammo clip
Nerf N-Strike Elite Cam ECS-12

The Nerf N-Strike Elite Cam ECS-12 is a bit similar to the Demolisher. If you don’t really want the camera on the Elite Cam, you will find that the Demolisher is a bit more towards your liking. For one, the Demolisher is less expensive as there is no camera and it also makes it lighter as well (plus you don’t need all of the batteries as well). The camera resolution is also only .3 megapixels, which is something you probably wouldn’t even find on a cell phone 10 years ago. All in all, you need to determine if you just really want that camera or not. One thing that shouldn't be left out is that the camera can be swapped out with an awesome ammo counter!.

Travel light, strike fast and capture your battles with this motorized Nerf Cam ECS-12 blaster! The Nerf Cam ECS-12 gives you serious rapid-strike firepower. Just hold down the trigger to fire a steady stream of darts. Even more awesome is the built-in camera that lets you record and share your action with others! The 4GB SD card stores up to 2,000 photos or 100 minutes of video. The blaster holds 12 Elite Darts in its Quick Reload clip, and you can carry extra darts and clips (sold separately) so you can quickly switch out an empty clip for a full one. It fires the Elite Darts up to 85 feet, so you've got both long-range striking power and total control over your rate of fire. Amp up your arsenal and relive your missions over and over with the Nerf Cam ECS-12 blaster! Nerf and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro.


  • 12-dart rapid-fire blasting at targets up to 85' away
  • Blast a steady stream of darts with motorized rapid fire
  • Built-in camera records your battles with pictures or video
  • 4GB SD card holds 2,000 photos or 100 minutes of video
  • Included 12 Elite Darts work with any N-Strike Elite blaster and most original N-Strike blasters (sold separately)
  • Includes blaster with built-in camera, 12 darts, clip, memory card and instructions
  • Requires 8 AA batteries (not included)



Released ahead of schedule, this electronic blaster takes four 'D' batteries to be operated, and can fire 5 darts per second! It's being labeled by NERF as "fastest motorized blaster." It started as a Wal-Mart exclusive, but can now be found on Amazon.

Take aim with the HyperFire blaster and challenge opponents with ultimate speed! It's the fastest motorized Nerf dart blaster, unleashing 5 darts per second to rain down a deluge of darts onto targets! With its 25-dart drum, this Nerf N-Strike Elite blaster brings impressive firepower to the battle. It fires darts up 90 feet (27 meters). Press the acceleration button, pull the trigger, and let the rapid-fire action begin! Comes with 25 Elite darts.


  • Fires up to 5 darts per second with fresh batteries
  • 25-dart drum
  • Fires darts up to 90 feet (27 meters)
  • Comes with 25 Elite darts
Nerf Zombie Strike Sledgefire

This awesome nerf gun gives you the feeling of blasting up those unholy creatures while being armed with a weapon that you might expect to see Arnold Schwartzenegger or Sylvester Stallone display their marksmanship with in the movies.

Unleash a triple strike at the zombies with this hardcore Sledgefire Blaster! Load 3 darts into each of your reloadable shells, and crack the blaster's barrel to reload. Stay loaded with the blaster's ammo storage compartment! The undead won't stand a chance when you hit the streets with the Sledgefire blaster! Nerf and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro.


  • Zombie Sledgefire Blaster fires 3 darts at once
  • Each reloadable shell holds 3 darts
  • Includes 9 Zombie Strike darts
  • Ammo storage in stock
  • Includes Sledgefire blaster, 9 Zombie Strike darts, 3 reloadable shells, Zombie Strike stencils and instructions

The Tri-Strike is a Nerf dart and missile blaster was released in fall of 2016 under the N-Strike Modulus series.

Boys can build their own blaster for each mission with the Nerf Modulus Tri-Strike blaster from Hasbro! The Tri-Strike blaster featurs 3 different ways to blast that can all be used separately, or combined, for custom configurations. Bring an entire arsenal to the battlefield with the versatility and power of the Tri-Strike blaster!

Start building with the Elite Dart Blaster and attachable 10-dart clip combo. Precision-fire Elite darts or fire 10 in a row using rapid-sliding-bolt-action! Extend the barrel with the Mega Barrel Extension. Then fire Mega darts with this big barrel’s increased range.

Attach the Missile Launcher and Missile Launcher Stock to the Elite Dart Blaster for an even bigger blaster! Then, separate the Missile Launcher and Missile Launcher Stock, to clip them together for a stealthy back-up missile blaster.

Expand the customizing options with Nerf Modulus Upgrade Kits (each sold separately). With the full Nerf Modulus system, over 1000 different combinations are possible!

Includes Elite Dart blaster, MEGA Dart Barrel Extension, Missile Launcher Stock, 10 Elite Darts, 10-dart clip, 4 MEGA darts, missile, bolt (2 pieces) and instructions.


  • 3 ways to blast
  • Elite blaster creates a base to add all of the Tri-Strike components
  • Combine the Missile Launcher and stock for a discrete missile blaster
  • Includes 10 Elite Darts with 10-dart clip, 4 MEGA darts, and one missile

Nerf N-Strike Modulus ECS-10

Nerf N-Strike Modulus ECS-10

Nerf modulus is a brand new 2015 nerf gun you can put any attachments that go on nerf guns. Avaliable Online through Wal-Mart

Get a whole arsenal in one blaster with the motorized Modulus ECS-10 blaster! This incredibly flexible blaster has a targeting scope, drop grip and dual-rail barrel, and its many removable parts let you customize your blaster in more than 30 combinations. Load up the blaster’s 10-dart banana clip with the included darts and hit the battlefield in whatever configuration will make you the victor!


  • Build your own blaster with the motorized Nerf Modulus ECS-10 blaster
  • Flexible blaster has more than 30 combinations
  • Features targeting scope, drop grip and dual-rail barrel
  • Blaster can launch the included darts at targets up to 90 feet away
  • Includes blaster, targeting scope, drop grip, dual-rail barrel, storage stock, banana clip, 10 darts, and instructions.
  • Requires 4 "AA" batteries (not included).
Nerf N-Strike Elite Hail Fire

This baby holds 144 darts! That’s almost five times what any other blaster can. NERF pros will notice the Elite Hail Fire has two triggers. The second is for acceleration. Use it and ramp up your firing rate to six rounds per second.

It’s the highest capacity NERF blaster ever. The N-STRIKE ELITE HAIL-FIRE tops out at an astounding 144-dart capacity (with the purchase of additional clips and darts). It holds up to 8 clips, and delivers a barrage of darts as fast as you can pull the trigger. When you’ve got the HAIL-FIRE, you’ve got the ultimate in high-capacity blasting!


  • A rotating ammo rack
  • 8 clip and 144 dart capacity (additional clips and darts required)
  • Advance handling for swapping out empty and filled clips effortlessly
  • An acceleration trigger for powering up semi-auto blasting
  • The ability to upgrade with any tactical rail accessory (sold separately)
  • Up to a 75-foot range
Nerf Zombie Strike Slingfire

Does your dorm roommate wander around at night sleepwalking as a cast member of the Walking Dead? Wouldn't it be fun to fire some foam his way to wake him up? Is there a stupid looking bobble-head on your co-worker's desk that you can't stand?

Nerf Zombie Sling fire View larger Nerf Zombie Strike Sling Fire Experience the excitement, energy, and attitude of the Nerf brand, and find out why it's Nerf or nothing. The Zombie Strike line brings you dart-firing blasters so you can defend yourself against a zombie invasion. No one knows exactly what happened the day the zombies struck, but you will be ready for them with the Zombie Strike blasters from the Nerf brand! Lever-Action Blasting View larger Lever-Action Blasting You never know when the zombies will strike, so stay prepared with the Zombie Strike Sling Fire blaster from the Nerf brand. The Sling Fire blaster fires six darts with lever-acting blasting. To load a dart into the barrel, swing the lever down then up, or hold the lever and flick the blaster forward and back for quick, one-handed loading! Pull the trigger to unleash one Zombie Strike dart. Swing or flick again to load another dart into the barrel. Zombies beware.


  • Zombie Strike SlingFire Blaster has lever-action blasting
  • Blaster cocks 2 ways: Swing lever or flick to cock with 1 hand
  • Includes 6-dart clip and 6 Zombie Strike darts
  • Tactical Rail lets you add accessories - sold separately
  • Includes SlingFire blaster, 6 Zombie Strike darts, 6-dart clip and instructions
Nerf Vortex Pyragon

The Vortex line uses “never before-seen XLR disc technology”, which basically means they fire discs rather than darts. These discs have a much longer range than traditional darts–they’re essentially tiny Frisbees–but they tend to slow down not even halfway through their flight, making them easier to avoid. Still, the extended range can make the difference between pretend life and pretend death. What really makes the Pyragon shine is its slam fire technology and 40 round drum magazine.

It’s time to take your Vortex battling to the next level with the Pyragon blaster! With a 40-disc drum magazine, the Pyragon blaster is the highest-capacity Vortex blaster yet. Slide the blaster’s Slam Fire handle repeatedly while you hold down the trigger to unleash an all-out multi-disc assault! The drum magazine works with other magazine-fed Vortex blasters (sold separately), and the blaster’s revolutionary XLR Disc Tech hurls the bright orange Vortex discs an ultra-long distance. Attach Tactical Rail accessories (sold separately) to the tactical rail for awesome upgrades. For the final word in Vortex blaster technology, you need the rapid-fire power of the Pyragon blaster!


  • The Pyragon blaster can hold up to 40 Vortex discs
  • Slam-Fire handle lets you fire multiple discs while you hold down the trigger
  • Vortex discs work with other Vortex blasters (sold separately)
  • Attach accessories to the Tactical Rail (sold separately)
  • Attach a shoulder stock to the rear of the blaster (sold seperately)
  • Pyragon blaster comes with 40-disc drum magazine, 40 bright orange discs and instructions
Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000

Experience intense head-to-head competition with the ultimate precision and power of the Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000 blaster! Choose a blaster color and go into battle as the Red Team or the Blue Team. Unleash rapid-fire blasting with this fully motorized Nerf Rival blaster that fires 40 high-impact rounds at a velocity up to 100 fps (30 mps). The Khaos MXVI-4000 comes with 40 rounds and has a trigger lock, tactical rails, ambidextrous magazine release, easy-load magazine, and flip-up front and rear sights. Experience the intensity of Nerf Rival with the Khaos MXVI-4000 blaster!


  • Fully motorized blaster
  • Unleash rapid-fire blasting
  • Includes easy-load, 40-round magazine and 40 high-impact rounds
  • Choose red or blue blaster to battle as Red Team or Blue Team
  • Experience ultimate precision and intense competition
  • Requires 6 D batteries (not included).
Terrascout RC Drone

This product was released in fall of 2016 under the N-Strike Elite series. It requires four 'AA' batteries to be operated. It comes packaged with the drone itself, its remote, a detachable camera, a rechargeable battery and charger, an eighteen dart clip, and eighteen Elite Darts.

Experience the excitement, energy, and attitude of the NERF brand, and find out why It's NERF or Nothin'. NERF N-Strike Elite blasters from Hasbro deliver the ultimate in blaster performance for NERF battles. Kids can record their battles with the all-terrain (not for use in wet conditions) N-Strike Elite TerraScout RC drone that feature live video feed and remote-controlled blasting!

Kids can record battles with the NERF N-Strike Elite TerraScout RC drone. The remote-controlled TerraScout drone features a live video feed to view out-of-sight targets with the LCD screen on the controller. NERF players can scout the battlefield to locate targets and plan an attack before entering the field of play. When the NERF competition begins, they can record action skirmishes in photos and videos to show family and friends. All the functions including the drone movement, camera, and dart blaster, are operated with the included controller. SD card required (not included) to record videos and take photos.

Unleash remote-controlled dart blasting with the battle-ready NERF N-Strike Elite TerraScout tank drone. The drone includes an 18-dart clip and comes with 18 Elite darts. Use the controller to adjust the angle of the blaster and launch the darts. For calculated blasting, press and release the trigger to fire 1 dart. To deliver an 18-dart deluge, press and hold down the trigger to launch all the darts rapidly.


  • Live video feed
  • Record RC battles
  • Clip-fed, 18-dart blasting
  • View out-of-sight targets with the LCD screen
  • Includes drone, blaster, controller, charger, 18 darts, rechargeable NiMh battery, and instructions.
  • Assembly required. No tools needed.
  • Controller requires 4 AA batteries (not included).
Nerf N-Strike Elite Centurion

2014 brought with it a new title winner for longest blaster ever made. This heavyweight features a bullpup style stock, tactical rail, clip feed, and tactical bipod for steadying shots and adding nicely to the blasters sniper theme. It's probably the most likely blaster to allow someone hiding in the bushes to barrel tag an unsuspecting passerby.

Launch a long-range assault with this incredible high-caliber Centurion blaster! This N-Strike Elite blaster features bigger darts that are engineered to fire farther than ever. Attach the bipod stand for even more accuracy and load up the MEGA Clip with your MEGA Whistler Darts. They scream as they fly! With a range of 100 feet and 6 MEGA darts, you can push the boundaries of your marksmanship. Amp up your targeting cred with the Centurion blaster!


  • The Centurion blaster is a long-range blaster
  • Fires MEGA darts 100 feet
  • MEGA Whistler Darts scream as they fly
  • Includes 6 MEGA Whistler Darts
  • Load the darts in the MEGA Clip
  • Includes removable bipod stand for precision targeting
Nerf N-Strike Elite Mega Thunderbow

This blaster is a simulated bow with futuristic styling. It is often described as being a lot of fun to shoot, with many also mentioning having problems aiming it. For advanced nerfers this can be the kind of challenge they are looking for.

Experience realistic bow action with the Nerf N-Strike Elite Mega ThunderBow blaster. Pull back the string and release it to launch the Mega darts through the air, using the same action you use for a real bow. The black bow arms on this red and orange Nerf bow flex as you pull the string, adding to look and feel of a real archer's bow. Blast into realistic archery action and adventure with the first Nerf Mega bow!


  • Real bow action
  • Fires darts up to 100 feet
  • Fires 5 darts in a row without reloading
  • Flexing bow arms
  • Mega darts whistle through the air
Nerf Vortex Nitron

The Nitron is also fully automatic and battery powered, so you don’t have to rely on compressed air or springs to propel those discs. The motor makes it a little heavy, but the Nitron is still easy to run around with. It needs two AAA batteries and six C batteries, it’s probably a good idea to get rechargeable ones if you think you’ll burn through a lot of batteries using the Nitron. There’s also an electronic scope that isn’t really that useful but is a lot of fun at night. You won’t be able to use this one for stealth operations, though. The motor is kind of loud.

The Vortex Nitron disc blaster is the ultimate in Vortex innovation and technology! The Nitron blaster's cutting-edge acceleration trigger propels a full-auto storm of discs toward targets at extreme range for an all-out assault. Its Centerfire Tech electronic scope features pulsing targeting lights to help you center your aim. The included 20-disc magazine and onboard magazine storage keep reloading time as short as possible (additional magazines and discs sold separately). In addition to being fully automatic, the Nitron is also fully customizable with the Tactical Rail System that is compatible with most Vortex and N-STRIKE Mission Kit accessories for a fully awesome battlefield experience!


  • Fully-automatic operation, with safety switch
  • Tactical foregrip and stock
  • Squeeze the bottom half of the trigger to rev the motor, and pull the top half to fire the discs
  • Electronic scope with pulsing lights for easy targeting
  • Acceleration trigger on the blaster to let you power up for ultimate-distance blasting
  • Includes a 20-disc magazine, 20 discs and onboard storage for additional magazines
  • Tactical Rail System, compatible with most VORTEX and N-STRIKE Mission Kit accessories
  • XLR long-range disc technology to launch discs an ultra long distance
  • NITRON blaster comes with electronic scope, 20-disc removable magazine, 20 discs and instructions
Nerf Mega Rotofury

Un-rapping a birthday present to find this gun inside can be heart-skipping. You have all you need and more inside of this incredible 10-shot mega. A similar design to the doominator but instead with a drum that holds 10 mega darts! Simply load up, hide behind someplace and jump out shooting darts whistling everywhere at your target!

Unleash the rapid-fire fury of the Nerf N-Strike Mega Series RotoFury Blaster. It launches darts to a distance of up to 90' to give you an advantage in your games. Who will withstand your Nerf blaster attack when you can fire up to 10 darts at your target without reloading? The whistler darts will scream through the air and get everyone's attention as you dominate the battlefield. The n-strike blaster has slam-fire action keeping the fun moving as fast as you do. It includes 10 of the mega whistler darts and instructions, allowing you to get the fun started as soon as you open it. You will enjoy hours of fun with family and friends with the Nerf n-strike Mega Series Rotofury Blaster. This item would be a good way to get the family outside for an afternoon of fun. You can bring the kid out in everyone, child and adult alike, with this fast-paced fun toy.


  • Rotating drum fires 10 darts at a time without reloading
  • Slam-fire action
  • Mega Whistler Darts scream through the air
  • Fires Mega Whistler Darts up to 90'
  • Includes blaster, 10 Mega Whistler Darts and instructions
  • RotoFury blaster works with Mega Darts only
Nerf N-Strike Elite Mega Magnus

Take charge of any play battle with the Nerf N-Strike Elite Mega Magnus Blaster. This toy gives high performance and features bigger darts that are designed to go farther distances. This Nerf N-Strike gun can hit targets that are up to 85' away. It can even hold up to three darts at a time, so kids can take down their foes faster. This fun item is also designed with a built-in clip that loads from the top, which allows fast one-handed reload to easily get back into battle. This blaster toy is easy to grip and comes with three Mega Darts that will scream as they fly through the air, as well as useful instructions. Take it outside for an epic battle or play inside with friends on a rainy day.


  • Fires Mega Darts farther than ever
  • Darts fly 85' and scream as they fly
  • Nerf N-Strike gun has a 3-dart capacity
  • Top-loading clip lets you reload fast and 1-handed
  • Magnus blaster works with Mega Darts only
  • Includes: blaster, 3 Mega Darts and instruction
Nerf Zombie Strike Doublestrike

There truly is nothing more accurate than a pistol when you are in close quarters. It there is a zombie quickly creeping toward you and you only have one shot, you want it to be from the barrel of a pistol.

You never know when the zombies will strike, so stay prepared with the Zombie Strike DoubleStrike blaster from the Nerf brand. The DoubleStrike blaster fires 2 darts in a row with one-handed hammer action. The green blaster has vertically stacked twin barrels. Get ready for zombie action by loading 1 Zombie Strike dart into the front of each barrel. When it's time to make your move, pull the hammer back, then pull the trigger to fire 1 dart. Do it again for a double-tap defense!


  • Fires 2 darts in a row
  • Hammer-action
  • Double barrel for double-tap blasting
  • Includes 2 Zombie Strike darts
  • Load darts, pull hammer back, fire darts
Rival Atlas XVI-1200

The Atlas XVI-1200 was released in fall of 2016 under the RIVAL series. It features a rear loading clip feed, under barrel cocking, tactical rail, and safety mechanism. It is the first shotgun styled blaster in the Rival series that fires multiple rounds at once.

Experience intense head-to-head competition with the ultimate power of the Nerf Rival Atlas XVI-1200 blaster! Choose a blaster color and go into battle as the Red Team or the Blue Team. Deliver a double shot with the Atlas XVI-1200 blaster that fires 2 rounds at a time. The blaster has a spring-action cocking mechanism and fires at a velocity up to 80 fps (24 mps). It comes with 24 rounds and an easy-load, 12-round magazine. Experience the intensity of Nerf Rival with the Atlas XVI-1200 blaster!


• Fires 2 rounds at once
• Includes easy-load, 12-round magazine and 24 high-impact rounds
• Choose red or blue blaster to battle as Red Team or Blue Team
• Spring-action blaster has a trigger lock, and tactical rail
• Experience ultimate precision and intense competition

Doomlands Lawbringer

Have you ever seen a shot gun that has a drum? With twelve darts?! You probably haven't. This gun is under the Doomlands 2169 series and screams through a battle like a bad omen to your enemies. Use the hammer action too fire dart after dart till the drum is empty, then take some backup darts from the dart holders and reload your drum for more incredible shots.

Bring justice to a doomed world with the Lawbringer blaster! This powerful blaster fires 12 darts without reloading from the rotating barrel with hammer-action blasting. Load up your darts from the storage capsules on the stock and drop the hammer as you let each one fly! You'll be the fiercest protector on the battlefield with the Lawbringer blaster!


  • Nerf Doomlands Lawbringer fire's 12 elite darts.
  • The Lawbringer holds twelve extra elite darts in its stock.
  • The blaster has see-through plastic so you can see it functioning.
  • Hammer-action allows for one hand prime.
  • Blaster includes 12 yellow and black Doomlands elite darts.
Nerf N-Strike Elite Retaliator

The Nerf N-strike Elie Retaliator keeps you in the game. With it's 4 in 1 configuration, you are never out. Whether you are in the backyard or confined in a small space, it's changeable parts and ease of use will keep you on track for your nerf mission. Experienced nerfers will recognize this blaster, as it is modeled after the 2009 N-Strike Recon.

Meet every challenge with a blaster that can be customized for any situation! The Nerf N-Strike Elite Retaliator blaster can be configured different ways to create 4 different combinations. Use the barrel extension when the action calls for long-distance blasting. Attach the drop grip and the stock to stabilize shots. Try different configurations to create the optimal blaster mode for every battle. The parts are easy to attach and detach to keep mobile and flexible during a mission. Load the 12-dart clip and unleash a dozen darts up to 90 feet (27 meters) away. Take advantage of the adaptable Retaliator blaster when it’s time to strike!


  • Modify for any mission
  • 12-dart clip
  • Fires darts up to 90 feet (27 meters)
  • Stock, barrel extension, and tactical grip
  • Comes with 12 Elite darts