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Updated by TDI3 on Nov 30, 2023
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Data, Big Data, Analytics, & Decisions

If Big Data isn't solving business problems, what purpose does it serve? If analytics are too complex and hard to understand, are they helping? Many have opinions on this; check these articles and publications on this topic. Have you run across any good articles in this area? Add them!

Decision Intelligence on Scoop.It, curated by Dr. Lorien Pratt

TDI3 Take: This page on Decision Intelligence is well curated by Dr. Lorien Pratt of Quantellia, one of our TDI3 partners.

Decision intelligence is a framework to apply an interdisciplinary set of technologies to solve the world's most complex problems in an increasingly nonlinear and rapidly changing world. Technology includes predictive intelligence, visual decision modeling, complex systems modeling, big data, predictive analytics, machine learning.

Tesco’s Downfall Is a Warning to Data-Driven Retailers

Did Big Data become an analytic albatross? 
TDI3 Take: Read this to understand that Big Data is not a universal panacea, and can, in fact, mask some core issues that must be addressed. This is a wake-up call! 

8 Reasons Big Data Projects Fail - InformationWeek

Most companies remain on the big data sidelines too long, then fail. An iterative, start-small approach can help you avoid common pitfalls. Big data is all the rage, and many organizations are hell bent on putting their data to use.
TDI3's take: It's all about what you do with the data. Reason #1 is right on point with the conversation about decision making.

5 Reasons More Data Doesn't Guarantee Better Decisions

Data alone may not be enough to guarantee better decisions, but better decisions almost always start with data. Just capturing and storing data will not get us far. Disconnected and fragmented data can't paint a complete picture because different segments linger in a detached state or in isolated buckets. Left disintegrated, they lack the necessary transformations to be turned into cohesive and compatible building blocks.

Internet of Things Context

Here are people to track in US Internet Policy - also some interesting links tracking the history of Internet Of Things.

Every object a Trojan horse; every person a sensor

Why I miss Ray Bradbury "I write about the future to prevent the future."

Caveat Emptor: Internet of Things

Enterprise Data Supply Chain: Technology Vision 2014 - Accenture

Creating and managing a fully integrated enterprise data supply chain is one of the six key IT trends identified in Accenture's 2014 Technology Vision. Enterprise data is vastly under-utilized. Data ecosystems are complex and littered with data silos, limiting the value that organizations can get out of their own data by making it difficult to access. It’s time for business leaders to start thinking about the entirety of the data supply chain—as an end-to-end process that is outcome driven and aligned to strategy.

Webinar: What Good is Data Anyway? 6 Survival Tips for the Deluge

In this thirty-minute webinar, Dr. Lorien Pratt frankly discussed the data deluge, and shares six survival tips that will help you and your organization put data in its place. Using these tips will position you to make certain decisions even when data is uncertain, less than perfect, obsolete, or unavailable.

An Executive's Advice to Analysts for Getting Heard in the Boardroom

For most people involved in analytics, it's all about the data. They've spent years studying it and have no trouble manipulating it, charting it, graphing it, or managing it. But when it comes to explaining it, it's a different story.

The Internet of Things Gets Real

The Internet of Things (IoT) is gaining steam with connected devices creating more data than ever before. According to a new report by Cisco, more than half of IP traffic will come from devices other than PCs and there will be 7.3 billion machine-to-machine connections by 2018 -that's about the same amount of connected devices as there are people on earth.