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Updated by Barb Montfort on Jul 29, 2014
Headline for Integrated Learning Weekly [7.29.14]--Teaching Ideas Edition
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Integrated Learning Weekly [7.29.14]--Teaching Ideas Edition

The power of digital student portfolios

This past spring, I was asked to substitute teach in one of our first-grade classrooms. There were no guest teachers available that day so, as the elementary principal, I was it. Being a former fifth- and sixth-grade teacher, I was a bit out of my comfort zone.

Students Map Real-World Issues with (Free) Geospatial Tools

Imagine being an emergency responder in a small town that hasn't mapped its fire hydrants, labeled rural roads with street signs, or identified evacuation points in the event of natural disaster. Now imagine being part of a high school team that addresses those issues by thinking critically and using sophisticated geospatial tools to communicate findings.

How Technology Is Helping Students Take Ownership Of Their Work - Edudemic

As a teacher who has been using technology in my various learning environments for the past seven years, I pride myself in never doing the same project twice. When I taught high school physics two years ago, I was guilty of doing too much of the work for my students.

Free Technology for Teachers: The Week In Numbers Could Be a Good Way to Get Students to Ask About the News

Go Figure: The Week In Numbers is a weekly feature on the BBC News Magazine Monitor. Similar in nature to the Week in Pictures, Go Figure: The Week In Numbers highlights interesting statistics from news stories. The statistics are presented with interesting pictures or drawings as backgrounds.

Free Technology for Teachers: How to Use Vocaroo to Make Voice Recordings to Post On Your Blog

Vocaroo is a free service that you can use to create short audio recordings. Creating a recording on Vocaroo is a simple process that does not require you to create an account or have any special browser plugins. Just go to the site and click record to get started.