A picture speaks a thousand words, agreed. The camera is a powerful tool of art, agreed. To keep agreeing for positive pictures, maintaining your camera is most essential. Follow these tips to maintain your DSLR better, and to click away best!
To prevent dust from entering the inside of the lens
Use a micro fibre cloth to clean the lens as it'll not scratch the lens and will collect all the dust.
To prevent blurry pictures
Never blow air on the sensors or the lens as it'll lead to formation of fungus and also the moisture will make the pictures blurry.
To prevent scratches
Never touch the lens with bare hands unless its very clean. Sometimes, rubbing the lens with fingers will lead to scratches.
To prevent accumulation of dust
Never keep the camera open for a long time after detaching the lens. It'll lead to accumulation of dust on the insides of the cam and on the sensors.
Cover up the cap
Always close the lens with the lens cap after use. So that there won't be an accidental scratching.
Add a UV filter
If the lens of the camera has no filters it is necessary to have an UV filter added to it to protect the insides of the lens and the sensor.