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Updated by David Scott Slepkow on Dec 26, 2024
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Rhode Island Divorce, Custody and RI Family Law

RI Family Court Attorney presents important and informative articles re: divorce, child support, visitation and child custody

RI Divorce, Child Custody, Family Law & Support Center

Provided by Rhode Island Divorce Attorney David Slepkow. Real RI Family LAW information, Real answers and no platitudes here! Welcome to The RI Divorce and Family Law Articles and Info Center by Rhode Island Domestic Relations Lawyer David Slepkow. Original, Extensive and Informative Law Articles Authored by an East Providence RI Divorce Lawyer.

A-Z Divorce in RI- Part 3 of 5

Should I file a verified emergency motion in RI Divorce Cause of Action? If there is a serious emergency in which irreparable harm will be caused if the party has to wait for a court date, then an emergency motion may be filed. This motion should be attached to the complaint.

Act Like an Ass in RI Divorce, Judge Likely Agree with Spouse you are ASS!

Some people believe that it is ok to act like a moron in the course of their Rhode Island Divorce Litigation. These people will file ridiculous unwarranted motions, misleading restraining orders, make outrageous settlement proposals and engage in unseemly and outrageous conduct.

The Rules of Divorce War

If "you people" cannot avoid an unseemly and nasty divorce war, that no one can win, then you must abide by the written and unwritten rules of divorce war. Rhode Island Divorce lawyers know who "you people" are! "You people " are people who use and abuse the Rhode Island Family Court System.

What is a Divorce War?

I do not think that divorce in Rhode Island should be considered or treated as a "war." However, sometimes SPOUSES behave so badly and its so nasty, bitter and out of control that it can only be termed a "war".

Divorce and health Insurance in RI- EX Spouse Coverage After Divorce?

RI enacted the Rhode Island Health Insurance Continuation Act. This act allows some ex spouses to remain on their ex husband or ex wives health insurance after Final Judgment of Divorce. However, this act has been watered down by recent case law out of the Federal Court District of Rhode Island.

Random Rhode Island Family and Divorce Law FAQS

Why is there a 90 day waiting period in RI Family Law? The intent of the law in Rhode Island is that parties may reconcile during the 3 months and decide to remain married. Question: Is there any way to shorten the 3 month waiting period after the nominal RI Divorce hearing?