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Updated by Deann Casias Howard on Jul 24, 2014
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Tips to Help you Prepare for your Spray Tan

Here is a list to help you prepare for your spray tan with STOP and GLOW Mobile Spray Tanning. Follow our list to properly prepare for your tan and guarantee a flawless tan.


Waxing, pedicures and facials should be done at least two days prior to your sunless tanning session.

Waxing, pedicures and facials should be done at least two days prior to your sunless tanning session.

Any waxing along with pedicures and facials may remove the spray tan from your body if you get these services after your spray tan.

Exfoliate your body and shave your legs the night before your sunless tanning session.

You will want to remove the dead skin cells the night before your spray tan session. A fresh layer of skin is vital for the spray tan solution to properly adhere to your body. We recommend exfoliating with a non oil based, non moisturizing, exfoliating wash to get the best results from their tan. You will want to avoid Dove soaps or deodorant soaps since they create a film on your skin and can create a barrier. A good product to use is Norvell Renewing Sunless Exfoliator. This product is designed to exfoliate your body before your spray tan and will gently polish, renew and exfoliate your skin 24 hours prior to your spray tanning session.

The day of your spray tan session, AVOID moisturizing creams, perfume, body oils or any skin additives. These product...

The day of your spray tan DO NOT use moisturizing creams, body oils, perfume or any type of skin additive. You will want to remove your make up and deodorant before your spray tan. These products act as a barrier on your skin and will not allow the spray tan solution to penetrate which can cause a blotchy appearance.

AVOID moisturizers that contain mineral oil after you shave.

Mineral oil particles are too large for your pores to absorb, so it can layer on the skin and wear off unevenly. Areas that may be saturated with mineral oil won't take the solution and areas where it has worn off will.Your skin is the largest organ and releases the body's toxins through the pores. Mineral oil can block this process causing your skin to slough (exfoliate) unevenly which, of course can affect the way a spray looks.


Bring or wear dark, loose fitting clothing to put on after your spray tan session.

Bring or wear dark, loose fitting clothing to put on after your spray tan session.

You will need to put on dark, loose fitting clothing after your spray tan. AVOID tight fitting clothing, bras, yoga pants or any clothing that provides a snug fit. Tight clothing may rub your tan and smear your spray tan. Loose clothing will allow for your skin to breathe and prevent your from sweating. Putting on tight clothes immediately after your spray tan is a NO NO.