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Updated by RashmiRanjan Sahu on Apr 25, 2022
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Holy Books

From Wikipedia: "Religious texts, also known as scripture, scriptures, holy writ, or holy books, are the texts which various religious traditions consider to be sacred, or central to their religious tradition."




The Bhagavad Gita is the sealing achievement of this Hindu synthesis,[13] incorporating various religious traditions.[13][7][5][web 1][6] According to Hiltebeitel, bhakti forms an essential ingredient of this synthesis,[13] which incorporates bhakti into the Brahmanical fold.[13] According to Deutsch and Dalvi, the Bhagavad Gita attempts "to forge a harmony"[15] between different strands of Indian thought: jnana, dharma and bhakti.[7] Deutsch and Dalvi note that the authors of the Bhagavad Gita "must have seen the appeal of the soteriologies both of the "heterodox" traditions of Buddhism and Jainism and of the more "orthodox" ones of Samkhya and Yoga",[4] while the Brahmanic tradition emphasised "the significance of dharma as the instrument of goodness".[4] Scheepers mentions the Bhagavat Gita as a Brahmanical text which uses the shramanic and Yogic terminology to spread the Brahmanic idea of living according to one's duty or dharma, in contrast to the yogic ideal of liberation from the workings of karma.[5] According to Basham,




Tripitaka comprises the three main categories of texts that make up the Buddhist canon.The Buddha delivered all His sermons in local language of northern India. These sermons were collected during 1st assembly just after the death of the Buddha. Later these teachings were translated into Sanskrit. They may contain descriptions of Buddha and parables which may help lead to enlightenment of the reader.Tripitakas are the books of knowledge of the Buddhism religion. They are famous as the baskets of knowledge about Buddhist teachings. The chapters written in the book are known as Mahayana Sutras and also sutta pitaka, Adhidharma and Vinaya. The book explains and describes about the relation between the internal soul and the external soul. The book is most widely read in China and among Chinese, it is the most famous form of holy text and religious literature. People who are interested in Buddhism and want to learn about the Buddhism cultures and beliefs read Tripitakas.




here are four Vedas, the Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda. The Vedas are the primary texts of Hinduism. They also had a vast influence on Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Traditionally the text of the Vedas was coeval with the universe. Scholars have determined that the Rig Veda, the oldest of the four Vedas, was composed about 1500 B.C., and codified about 600 B.C. It is unknown when it was finally committed to writing, but this probably was at some point after 300 B.C.




The Upanishads form the core of Indian philosophy. They are an amazing collection of writings from original oral transmissions, which have been aptly described by Shri Aurobindo as "the supreme work of the Indian mind". ,Upanishads are religious texts of the Hindus. The Hindu religion is very widely followed all over the world and was basically originated in India. There are exactly 112 Upanishads in Hindu religion. The Upanishads describe the relationship of your souls with the God; or in the language of the book, it describes the union of Brahman (pure soul) with the atman (your soul). The Upanishads mention about the importance of yoga and also vedic sacrifices. It was written on paper in the 19th century and is formed after collecting from various sources. People also called it Vedanta as it describes the significance of Vedas in human life.


China also had another religion called Confucianism. The holy books of Confucianism are called Five Classics. They are very historical as they were written even before 300 B.C. and are the most religious out of all the other holy books of China. The books tell you about the basic and core beliefs and values of Confucianism. The books have knowledge and information about the wars, kings and heroes of that time. It describes the whole truth and importance about God. The majority of the population of the world’s most populated country reads these books named as Five Classics.


Taoism is the religion of China and the holy book of Taosim is Tao-te-ching. This religious text of the Chinese was written during the 6th century B.C. in their local language – Chinese. Later, the book was translated in English to reach masses around the 19th century. It became famous in East Asia first and then traveled around the world after being translated in many languages. The book is one of the most commonly translated books in the whole world. Initially, it was interpreted by Taoist concepts and words but as it started spreading across the globe, its interpretation changed. The book comprises of overall 81 chapters with a few poems. They together describe the way to live and also the freedom for desire.




Judaism uses two religious books. One is Torah and the second is Talmud. The second book ‘Talmud’ is also known as ‘shas’. This book contains the oral law of Judaism. It is divided in two parts. The first part is known as Mishnah whereas the second part is known as Gemara or sometimes just Talmud. It has 63 chapters in whole and is as long as 62 thousand pages. Talmud is read mostly among the people following the Judaism religion. But many people have starting reading this holy book because it provides an insight in the practices and culture during the ancient times.


The Old Testament consists of many distinct books written, compiled, and edited by various authors[3] over a period of centuries. It is not entirely clear at what point the parameters of the Jewish Bible, the basis for the Christian Old Testament, were fixed. Some scholars have opined that the canon of the Jewish Bible was established already by about the 3rd century BC;[4][5] evidence from early Judaism and early Christianity, however, would seem to undermine such an early date. The development of the various forms of the Christian Old Testament, at any rate, continued for centuries.,
Old Testament is one of the two major divisions of the holy book Bible. Old Testament is now the scared and holy form of sculpture and literature for Judaism. The book is a collected version of selective writings of the people of Hebrew and Jewish community. The book was written in the 12th century B.C. The major parts of the book are written in Hebrew language but some of them are also written in Aramaic, which is a language used by the Jews. The book contains stories of the historical wars and famous heroes as well as mighty kings. The book is a must read if people want to learn about the history and principles of Christians and Jews.


The Christian bible is divided into two major divisions and the second of them is the New Testament. New Testament has 72 books and is the basic foundation of the Christian beliefs and thoughts. The book is written about the life of Lord Jesus, his preaching, his words and his work. The book contains the life story of Jesus from his birth till his death. The death of Jesus Christ is mentioned in detail, including the resurrection. The day of resurrection became widely known and celebrated and is called Easter. The book is written to spread Christianity everywhere and make people believe in god. The book is believed to be written in 100 A.D.




Muslims believe that the Quran was verbally revealed[need quotation to verify] from God to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel (Jibril), gradually over a period of approximately 23 years, beginning on 22 December 609 CE,[3] when Muhammad was 40, and concluding in 632 CE, the year of his death.[1][4][5] Muslims regard the Quran as the most important miracle of Muhammad, a proof of his prophethood,[6] and the culmination of a series of divine messages that started with the messages revealed to Adam and ended with Muhammad. They consider the Quran to be the only revealed book that has been protected by God from distortion or corruption.,Koran or Quran is the religious and holy book of the religion Islam. It is a book which has 114 chapter and a chapters are called suras in the religion. This book has suras that speak about the moral values and ethics. The book discusses the social and religious concepts of life. The muslims follow everything mentioned in the book and read it completely, or parts of it, on a daily basis. This book is believed to be written during Muhammad’s period but the book was not published or produced before 650 A.D. It was originally written in Arabic language and it is known to be the best work of literature in that language till date.

  • Rashmiranjan has several years of experience with Designing.
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