How easy will it be for you to switch WordPress themes in the future? Most theme users probably don't ask themselves this question. Why would you? WordPress lets you switch themes with a few clicks so things should work smoothly. But that's only the case if your theme was developed following WordPress standards in order to avoid the lock-in effect.
WordPress lets you build a website that can be endlessly redesigned without starting from scratch each time. When you redesign a WordPress website, all of your content is preserved. Just the layout and colors, etc. change. When you buy a theme with everything "all-in-one", you're set for life.
How easy will it be for you to switch WordPress themes in the future? Most theme users probably don't ask themselves this question. Why would you? WordPress lets you switch themes with a few clicks so things should work smoothly. But that's only the case if your theme was developed following WordPress standards in order to avoid the lock-in effect.
The WordPress themes and plugins market is huge these days. With all that wide range of products available, we sometimes stumble into situations where we'd like to change our mind, i.e. use a different plugin or theme instead of the one we're currently using.
I recently wrote about how WordPress users should avoid using theme-specific shortcodes because they create a theme-lockin effect that can be disastrous in the future if the user goes to switch themes. While theme-lock is not a difficult concept to understand, it is certainly a major issue and must be addressed for new and inexperienced users.
This Plugin adds an admin UI for creating shortcodes without the need to code, edit code, or even know code.