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Updated by Nivedita Ramakrishnan on Dec 21, 2022
Headline for Top 10 tips to choose the right shoes
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Top 10 tips to choose the right shoes

Sure that new sneaker looks great and comfy! But does it match with that formal suit you have on? Do they even fit you right? One shoe for all occasions? Read on!


Check for the right size

Check for the right size

Don't just buy that shoe because it was on sale, or if you simply fell in love with it. Invest in a pair only if it fits you right. Your feet might even have blisters if you buy the wrong size!


A shoe for all occasions?

A shoe for all occasions?

Maybe this saying was for before, but soo not for the world of today. Choose your shoes sensibly according to the seasons, and with respect to where you'll be walking in with them on.


Opt for a good sole

Opt for a good sole

A good sole must always be not too flat, and not too high if you want to keep your feet happy. Flats might seem comfy for everyday use and high heels may give you a great glam look, but they're not really going to keep them happy feet going great.


Wear the right kind of socks

Wear the right kind of socks

Choosing your socks based on which shoe you use is a given. But sometimes when your feet like it only with a particular type of socks (regarding material and such), its the other way round. Wearing clean ,warm socks with the right shoes makes a great difference!


Brands do matter

Brands do matter

I'm not saying yay for Jimmy Choo or Gucci boots and shoes. I'm just saying that not every 'branded' at the corner of the block is advisable. Spending money on branded shoes that are sensible is a good investment.


Avoid shopping online

Avoid shopping online

Buy shoes personally from the store after trying them on, and only if the size fits. Shopping online for shoes doesn't really sit well--shoes are one of those things that you can relish when bought in real-time.


Make sure there is some breathe-space

Make sure there is some breathe-space

If there's just your toes and then immediately the fabric of your shoe or sandal, then that is bad. It is advisable to have just a tiny bit of space and thus, don't go buying a shoe that EXACTLY fits your feet.


Don't keep fashion as the top priority

Don't keep fashion as the top priority

Sure those shoes might look great and gorgeous but if they're going to kill your feet, don't spare that pair another glance. Fashionable shoes are okay just a little, not always.


Its OK to splash out

Its OK to splash out

For a pair that is sure to work great and make it a win-win situation for both healthy feet and happy you, it is fine to splash out money on one. I'm not saying that a famous brand is worth splashing on all the time. I'm talking about a sturdy, great pair that your feet will fall in love with. The right shoes are will be worth the money.


Be open minded

Be open minded

When it comes to shoes, don't be a prude; be open minded and try everything out, be open to all sorts of designs or types of soles. Try it all out and choose what you are happy with. This way, your relationship with your shoes will last a long time.