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Updated by Nivedita Ramakrishnan on Nov 01, 2014
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Rabbit Myths

There are a few very important rabbit myths that potential owners MUST know to keep their buns out of harm's way. Here they are!


Lifting by the ears

Lifting by the ears

NEVER PICK YOUR BUN BY ITS EARS! This can easily damage the ears and cause serious damage.


Carrots are the best food

Carrots are the best food

Contrary to popular belief, carrots are good if they're given occasionally or as treats for being good. THEY ARE NOT GOOD FOR AN EVERYDAY DIET


Rabbits stink

Rabbits stink

Unless the cage is regularly cleaned, and unless they're neutered/spayed, rabbits WILL STINK
The stink is all up to your maintenance as rabbits are very clean natures themselves.


Rabbits drink a lot of water

Rabbits drink a lot of water

Rabbits do not drink water like you think they will. They get their water from leafy vegetables and will drink voluntarily from their water bowl or sipper only if they want it.


Rabbits do not need veterinary care

Rabbits do not need veterinary care

WRONG ALL OVER. They're just like other animals. What's more is that they need more care than dogs or cats, too.


Rabbits love to be picked up and cuddled

Rabbits love to be picked up and cuddled

Would you like it if a giant picks you up often and keeps cuddling just for the fun of it? No! Rabbits are the same: THEY DO NOT LIKE TO BE PICKED UP ALWAYS


Rabbits should live outdoors

Rabbits should live outdoors

THIS IS A BIG NO. They are easily susceptible to temperature changes, so every weather condition is not a bun's cuppa. They can be easily preyed upon by dogs, cats or birds. Indoor buns must stay indoors.


Rabbits make good pets for kids

Rabbits make good pets for kids

No. Aaand a no. Rabbits are very tender creatures and have to handled carefully. Children do not understand that and might end up killing the rabbit. Rabbits are thus NOT good pets for children.


Rabbits bond with only the opposite gender

Rabbits bond with only the opposite gender

Nope. Rabbits can even bond if they're of the same gender. Bonding in rabbits doesn't have to do anything with mating, but pure friendship at its best. Which means, even two male rabbits can be bonded for a lifetime. Then again, same-sex bonding is not always successful and the bonding can turn ugly.


Rabbits don't need much care

Rabbits don't need much care

WRONG ALL OVER Rabbits need high maintenance. In fact, they need more maintenance than dogs or cats. Rabbits can mean expensive vet bills and careful watching almost 24 x 7.