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Updated by Fusion 360 on Jul 18, 2014
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Tips to Get Hired at An Ad Agency

Getting hired at an advertising agency can be fairly difficult. The best of the best are the ones that usually get hired and the competition can be fierce. Becoming the best of the best is something that isn’t easy, but it can certainly be done. Whether the agency is in Utah or a bigger city, there are a few things to keep in mind when applying: starting small isn’t a bad thing and the harder you work, the more the return.




Okay, so internships aren’t usually associated with a good time. But, if it’s the right one and you can prove yourself, your chances of getting hired are pretty good. It’s important to make a good impression, even when at the bottom of the totem pole.


Start at the Bottom

Start at the Bottom

Starting at the top in an advertising agency doesn’t just happen — it’s something that has to be earned. So accept the entry-level position, prove yourself and work your way to the top.




Whether attending a small school in Utah or a larger university on the East Coast, getting the right education to benefit a career in advertising is important. The more you know upon graduation, the more likely you are to get hired.


Do Research

Do Research

When applying at an agency, make sure to know about the specific company. There’s nothing that will turn the company off more than an interviewer who knows little to nothing about their company.


Be Prepared

Be Prepared

Along with being prepared with a background on the agency, make sure to go prepared with your resume and portfolio. Showing the company you can bring diversity and help any client from Utah and around the world with their wants and needs.




Look the part. Not only is being prepared with resumes and materials important, but showing up on time and dressing to impress is also extremely important. Agencies in Utah and across the country want put-together employees to represent their business.




Show the company a deep love for what you do. The more passion that is shown, the more memorable the interview will be. There’s a fine line, however, and it’s important to not come across as cheesy.




Be as enthusiastic about advertising and a potential job with the agency as you are about your favorite sports team. Companies love to see interviewees who are excited about working. Just make sure to not overdo it.




Rachel Wood is a writer at Fusion 360, an advertising agency in Utah.

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