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Updated by Holley Jacobs on Apr 24, 2016
Headline for Positivity Websites
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Positivity Websites

This is a list I complied of some of the best "Positive Websites" on the internet. I wanted to bring some light yesterday. I am not done with my research. I hope you all enjoy the links and please add to them.
~ Holley Jacobs

- Your Life YOUR Way

Your INNER SPARKLE is a POWERFUL force. She's the sequin-studded, hoola-hooping, silver-bangled Inner Champion that says . . . YES! I will leave the life-draining dude, quit my lame-o job, and travel to India, Slovakia + Wales. And I'm leaving TONIGHT. YES!

FamilyShare Strengthen your family with practical solutions for marriage, baby, pregnancy, parenting, vacation, health, love, discipline, homework, chores, addiction recovery, grandparenting, healthy eating, wellness, pets & personal growth.

Romantic Love Messages | Quotes, Sayings, and more...

Find the perfect romantic love message to write to that special someone or to inspire you.

Positively Beautiful

Experiencing lack of sleep once in a while is quite normal but suffering with insomnia every single night is unhealthy and very dangerous. Here are eight...

Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life -

As most of you know, for the past of couple months I have been on the road on The Practice book tour. I've learned so much and it has been such an invaluable experience to me. Being on a book tour, and trying to "promote" a product and a person, I have found myself on...


This site will help you with your personal development!

Positive Focus

GET INVOLVED Positive Focus thrives on the help of people who believe in what we're about - spreading positivity one person at a time. Would you like to share your passion and talents and help us spread kindness and positivity. In order to continue to grow, we need help of happy, fun loving, and talented people.

Be Happy Stay Happy

I invoke the presence of the Sacred, the presence of the Divine. I invoke the power of the Chakras, the Sacraments and the Tree of Life. Awaken and be active with me. Divine Spirit, bring me into union with you. Remove the obstacles that keep me from the experience of your presence.

Angel Card Readings - Angel Guidance - Free Angel Cards - Free Daily Affirmations - Free Animal Spirit Guide Cards - ...

Come here for your free Daily Angel Guidance Cards, Personal Angel Card Readings by request, your own FREE Daily Affirmation, to learn how to do an Angel Card Reading, discover the 21 signs of Spiritual Awakening, free Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards, Quotes and Blessings on Love, Friendship, Positive Thinking, Happiness, Intuition, Native Americans, and Unicorns & Fairies, words of comfort for the bereaved, blessings and poems for special occasions, reassuring spiritual information about 2012, healing waters, relaxing water animation Galleries, Crystals, the Astrology page, Angels forum and more ...

Better Affirmations

Learn how to write and implement affirmations to improve in every area of your life.

Ripple Kindness Project

Our mission is to offer ideas and opportunities for kindness to help people experience the feel good emotions that change attitudes, feelings and actions.

Overcoming Overwhelm

Overwhelm is something many people can identify with. Do you suffer from insomnia body aches and pains digestive problems relationship issues anxiety or just a general inability to cope with all life seems to throw at us these days. Juggling work, kids, your partner AND yourself can seem impossible sometimes, or maybe you're needing help with health issues?

Let's put the things that matter first

Action for Happiness is a movement for positive social change. We want a society that prioritises the things that really matter. Join us and help spread happiness - at home, at work or in your community

Fiona Childs |

The Latest By FiFi Life hacking refers to any productivity trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method to increase productivity and efficiency, in all walks of life; in other words, anything that solves an everyday problem of a person in a clever or non-obvious way.

Absolutely Positive

Christmas for us was always about the presents, Santa, the food and of course family. I guess you could say it has been more paganistic rather than religious. Of course we heard the story of Christmas and understood that it ...

Positive Atmosphere

Community of positive people inspiring and empowering each other. Blogs, video, discussion etc, from positive people all over the world.

Positively Positive

Dear Positively Positive tribe, you know how every once in a while I like to share what people have sent in to me personally? This is one such example. Such love. Such love. Let's make this viral.

Positive Thoughts

I suppose the best piece of advice I could give anyone is pretty simple: get a life. A real life, not the manic pursuit of the next promotion, the bigger paycheck, the larger house. Do you think you'd care so very much about those things if you developed an aneurysm one afternoon, or found a lump in your breast while in the shower?