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Updated by Nootriment .com on Jul 08, 2014
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Memory Enhancers

Memory Enhancers that work

How Choline Affects Brain Function and Cognitive Health

Taking choline for brain health is something we are all far more familiar with than we might realize. In fact, choline is an essential nutrient that all humans need for proper mental function. It works by stimulating production of the key neurotransmitter Acetylcholine, responsible for memory, mental clarity, and the healthy formation of synaptic connections between neurons.

Acetyl L Carnitine Arginate Benefits, Side Effects, Dosages and Uses

Billions have been spent worldwide on creams and potions designed to slow the signs of aging, but could Acetyl L Carnitine Arginate be a viable therapy for stopping aging from the inside out? Acetyl L Carnitine, commonly abbreviated as ALCAR, is a naturally occurring amino acid which builds proteins inside the body.

Immediate 5-HTP Effects and Long Term Benefits/Risks

Promising 5-HTP effects indicate that this natural supplement could provide potent relief for some of the most challenging mental disorders. A tonic for common depression and anxiety, as well as a viable therapy for more serious conditions like bipolar disorder, the effects of 5-HTP include mood elevation, stress management, and regulation of sleep cycles.

Uridine Side Effects Vs. Supplement Benefits - A Win-Win For Cognitive Plasticity

There are few discussions online about Uridine side effects for a good reason - there are no negative effects to speak of. Uridine is powerful new asset in our battle to retain and enhance our cognitive strength throughout our lives.

Is There Enough Choline In Your Diet? Rich Sources and Supplements

A "choline diet" may not be as common as a low carb diet, but thinking about choline and diet is critical for achieving a state of normal, healthy mental fitness. Many of us diet for a variety of reasons - to lose weight, to improve sports performance, or to address and improve debilitating conditions like diabetes and arthritis.

Bulk Galantamine Powder for Mental Clarity and Better Memory

Galantamine powder has been a well-known treatment for very serious mental disorders like dementia and Alzheimer's Disease since the 1950s. Today, this naturally occurring neurochemical might have new applications as powerful nootropic supplement. Nootropics are natural compounds designed to boost cognitive function and enhance mood, using many of the body's regulatory systems which are already in place.

Uridine for Relief from Depression and Bipolar Disorder

Taking Uridine for depression is a relatively new yet very promising trend. Starting in the 1950s, the idea of medicating severe depression with pharmaceuticals began to gain in popularity. Prior to that, even light cases of depression had been treated with opiates, if they had been treated at all.

Bulk Uridine Powder May Be The Key To Mental Longevity

Can a daily dose of Uridine powder really be the answer to keeping our brains healthy and vibrant as we age? The answer may be yes. This naturally forming nucleoside is found in our own bodies and serves vital gene management functions as a part of RNA.

Is Griffonia Extract with 5-HTP an Effective Anti-Depressant?

Griffonia Extract pills offer a natural alternative medicine to pharmaceuticals in the treatment of various mood disorders. By deriving effective, safe therapies from plant life, we are able to tap into the vast resources for physical and mental health that the planet offers, skipping harmful drugs in the process.

Is 5-HTP Safe For Regular Long-Term Use? Dangers and Risks

Is 5-HTP safe for use as an anti-depressant and mood boosting supplement? Starting in the 1950s, scientists began synthesizing chemical psychostimulant drugs as a treatment for various neurological disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. Prior to that, naturally grown opioid derivatives had been casually used to mute the symptoms of these debilitating diseases, perhaps for as long as many thousands of years.

Stacking Acetyl L Carnitine and Alpha Lipoic Acid Capsules Benefits and Side Effects

Super-charging nootropic supplements by stacking them together is an effective way to maximize their benefits, but is the combination of Acetyl L Carnitine and Alpha Lipoic Acid synergistic? Often marketed as a pair, these two compounds, an amino acid and a fatty acid respectively, are each known as powerful anti-oxidants.

Acetyl L Carnitine 500 mg Tablets or 1000 mg Capsules

From anti-aging benefits to dramatic increases in energy to enhanced mental functioning, Acetyl L Carnitine 1000 mg Capsules can do it all. Many people have heard of nootropics - the class of safe, non-stimulant supplements which can dramatically boost brain power and bodily function.

Acetyl L Carnitine by Dymatize Reviews - Read Before you Buy

In this Acetyl L Carnitine by Dymatize Review, we'll look at one of the more interesting claims to be made about a nootropic supplement yet. ALCAR is well-known as an antioxidant powerhouse. Its amazing benefits deliver anti-aging effects in a very novel way.

Choline 250 mg Capsules - Effects, Risks, and Dosages

Choline 250 mg capsules are a convenient way to consume one of the key organic nutrients required for excellent mental health, laser sharp thoughts, and total recall of memories and information. The re-introduction is necessary because choline, while a vital compound that every human brain needs to thrive, is largely deficient in most modern diets.

Getting Choline from Lecithin Supplements Reviews and Side Effects

A safe, effective cognitive booster derived from soy and egg yolks, Choline Lecithin is a key component of great neurological health. Once in the bloodstream, choline acts a potent pre-cursor to Acetylcholine, a neurochemical which is essential for the forming of synaptic connections between neurons.

How Much Choline is found in Eggs and what are the Health Benefits?

There's no disputing what the most popular breakfast food is, but is there enough choline in eggs to make them a viable source of this crucial cognitive enhancer? Choline is a natural and essential part of every person's mental physiology.

Phosphatidylserine Side Effects on Blood Pressure and Overall Safety

With its role as a key component of cellular health, Phosphatidylserine side effects are far outweighed by its benefits. This phospholipid, which occurs naturally in our bodies, is responsible for regulating various facets of metabolism with our cells. It contains choline, a pre-cursor to acetylcholine, the neurochemical most closely tied to memory, mental focus, and brain plasticity.

Rating Idebenone Nootropic Effects on Brain, Memory and Alzheimer's Treatment

The broad spectrum of Idebenone's nootropic effects have only recently begun to be understood. This organic compound was originally developed for use as a treatment of one of the most pervasive neurological disorders faced by man - Alzheimer's Disease.

Recommended Pterostilbene Dosage to Boost Longevity and Brainpower

The right daily Pterostilbene dosage could be the key to extending the life and health of brain cells. While boosting cognitive functions, Pterostilbene acts as both an anti-oxidant and an anti-inflammatory agent, repairing and preventing cellular damage. Closely linked to the chemical Resveratrol, Pterostilbene shares the same disease-fighting action which prevents cell decay and possibly extends life span.

Hydergine Review - Rating Cognitive Benefits and Use as a Nootropic

In this Hydergine review, we'll take a look at one of the original nootropic supplements to help you decide whether it is right for you. First created in the 1940s by the inventor of LSD, Albert Hoffman, Hydergine is an ergot alkaloid, in the form of methanesulfonate salts.

Hordenine Effects and Benefits For Mind and Body

Famous for natural energy enhancing qualities, the many Hordenine effects and benefits extend to both the brain and the body. As a powerful hormone regulator, Hordenine positively impact cellular metabolism, promoting fat burning. Simultaneously, this naturally occurring plant alkaloid balances the output of adrenal glands, improving mood and intensifying mental focus.

Phenylethylamine Effects on the Brain, Body and Love

Natural energy and heightened mental concentration are among the most powerful Phenylethylamine effects, but this nootropic supplement is generally known for another benefit altogether. The euphoric, confident, focused feeling most users experience has often been compared to the sensation of falling in love.

Phosphatidylserine for Anxiety, Mood and Stress Reviews

Taking Phosphatidylserine for anxiety symptoms is a popular new approach to one of the most widespread mental disorders that humans experience. Anxiety is a clinical diagnosis which includes various forms of specific emotional distress, such as PTSD, common phobias, OCD, and panic attacks.

Health Benefits of Pterostilbene as an Anti-Oxidant and Anti-Inflammatory

Pterostilbene benefits incorporate the best of anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant action to arrest cell death and re-program the body for longevity. Part of a class of plant-derived chemicals known as phytoalexins, Pterostilbene is found in some food sources, like berries and grapes.