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Updated by Dee Sparacio on Feb 16, 2019
Dee Sparacio Dee Sparacio
22 items   5 followers   1 votes   1.35k views

Gynecologic Cancer Blogs

Here is a list of blogs written by women with gynecologic cancer.

Walking With Cancer, Walking With God

I'm getting ready for chemo (or ch-eeemo as my one son likes to call it) again on Friday. Right now that means a few different things. I like the house basically clean and picked up so it doesn't bother me when I'm too tired to do much of anything.

Women of Teal

Written by a stage III ovarian cancer survivor


Mothering Sunday, two years ago, it felt like I was barely alive. I was stuck in hospital. But it was thanks to my mum that I wasn't dead. I don't think I'll ever be able to express just how grateful I am to her. I hadn't long been out of intensive care.

Nobody Has Ovarian Cancer: The Soft Whispers of a Fierce Blow

I am in a complete state of awe, joy, sorrow, amazement, gratefulness and peace. The woman at the top of this page is my beloved and dearly departed mom. She goes by Jane. She brought me into this world on this day 50 years ago.

ovarian cancer?? pass the!

A blog about ovarian cancer

Cancer Emotions

Yesterday was my birthday. It was filled with good food (including gluten free cupcakes, yum), presents, fun and lots of love and kindness. I was so happy that both my children were able to be at home all day, which is unusual due to their work schedules.


A topnotch site

The Teal Warrior

It is February 3rd and today as everyday, I think of my little sister Beth. When Beth was only 27 years old she was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a mastectomy and the whole nine yards of 1980's style chemotherapy. At the time, we couldn't understand how one so young could "just get" this terrible disease.

Outshine Ovarian Cancer

"The beauty of the soul, the real me and the real you, outshines the effects of cancer, chemotherapy, and radiation." Karen Ingalls was named a winner for the 2013 National Indie Excellence Awards in one category: women's health. Also a finalist in the 2012 Midwest Book Awards for two categories: health and self-help.

Chasen A Cure for Ovarian Cancer

We were made to be courageous - promoting ovarian cancer awareness

Still Smiling

Tracey United Kingdom On November 24th 2006 i was diagnosed with Ovarian & Endometrial Cancer at the ripe old age of 42. My Oncologist said it was very unusual for someone to have two types of cancer going on in the same area, but hey thats me!

Statistic of One

Don't you love how life has this way of throwing you a curve ball? Dead battery before work, sick kids on a Monday morning. I don't care who you are you had one thrown your way. I had one thrown my way this February, but it wasn't just any curve ball, it was one in the dirt, waaay outside.


Celebrating the strength of cancer survivors

The Cancer Chronicles

My account of the bold bald battle

Finding Cyril – The musings of a young woman diagnosed with ovarian cancer

The musings of a young woman diagnosed with ovarian cancer

Let's Kick Ovarian Cancer – A journey with Ovarian Cancer at age 36

Ovarian Cancer makes up 1.3% of all cancers each year, with an average 5 year survival rate of 46.2% (this is all stages combined). The survival rate has only slightly decreased over the last 40 years when compared to other cancers, mainly due to the lack of advanced screening options and improved treatment options.  What…

My Story — Teal45

A Community for Young Ovarian Cancer Survivors.

I have Ovarian Cancer - Now What?

Inspire support group helped me come with 101 reasons to be THANKFUL for no hair when I had mine shaved off for the second time last weekend.