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Top Things to Do in Cherbourg, France, from a Cruise Ship - Created by Staff

Top Things to Do in Cherbourg, France, from a Cruise Ship - Feel free to add, vote or provide feedback to the list

Cité de la Mer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Cité de la Mer ("city of the sea") is a maritime museum in Cherbourg, France.

Château des Ravalet

Le château des Ravalet (localement nommé château de Tourlaville), est un château de style Renaissance en schiste bleu, construit entre 1562 et 1575, propriété de la commune de Cherbourg-Octeville, et situé sur la commune de Tourlaville, en Normandie. Manoir médiéval appartenant au domaine royal, il est vendu par François Ier .

Emmanuel Liais - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He married a Dutch woman, Margaritha Trovwen, but they had no children. He bequeathed his property, located in a magnificent botanical park, to the city of Cherbourg. It is now known as the Emmanuel Liais Gardens.

Basilique Sainte-Trinité de Cherbourg - Wikipédia

Vers 841, l' église de Cherbourg, érigée vers 435 sur sollicitation de l'évêque de Coutances saint Éreptiole, est détruite lors des invasions normandes. Au , Guillaume le Conquérant ordonne la construction d'une nouvelle église, vraisemblablement bâtie sur les ruines de la première, dont les évêques de Coutances reçoivent le patronage.

Musée Thomas-Henry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was formed after a series of anonymous donations to the city between 1831 and 1835, totalling 164 paintings and later revealed to have been made by Thomas Henry, town councillor and art critic - having lost his two sons, he wanted to allow the city's young people to gain an education in art.