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Top Things to Do in Bilbao, Spain, from a Cruise Ship - Created by Staff

Top Things to Do in Bilbao, Spain, from a Cruise Ship - Feel free to add, vote or provide feedback to the list

Inicio | Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao

Bienvenida al Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao online, visita las colecciones, exposiciones, biblioteca, zona multimedia, tienda, tour virtual...

Bilbao Fine Arts Museum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Notable for the lengthy period it covers (from the 12th century to the present day) and the extraordinary variety of art works acquired since its inception, the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum collection currently boasts more than six thousand works including paintings, sculptures, drawings, engravings and objects from the decorative arts.

Teatro Arriaga - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Teatro Arriaga is an opera house in Bilbao, Spain. It was built in Neo-baroque style by architect Joaquín Rucoba in 1890, the same architect that built the city hall. It is named after Juan Crisóstomo de Arriaga, known in his time as the "Spanish Mozart".

Casco Viejo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Las Siete Calles or Casco Viejo in Spanish or Zazpikaleak or Alde Zaharra in Basque are different names for the medieval neighbourhood of Bilbao, part of the Ibaiondo district. The names mean Seven Streets or Old Town respectively and it used to be the walled part of the town until the end of the 19th century.

The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao in Spain

Plan your visit to the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao in Spain. Designed by Frank Gehry.

Guggenheim Museum Bilbao

The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is a museum of modern and contemporary art, designed by Canadian-American architect Frank Gehry, and located in Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain. The museum was inaugurated on 18 October 1997 by King Juan Carlos I of Spain.

Alhóndiga Bilbao - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alhóndiga Bilbao ( Spanish pronunciation: [aˈlondiɣa βilˈβao]) is a multi-purpose venue located in the city of Bilbao, Spain. It was designed by French designer Philippe Starck in collaboration with Thibaut Mathieu and was opened to the public in stages between 18 May and 24 October 2010.

Artxanda Funicular

The Artxanda Funicular ( Basque: Artxandako Funikularra; Spanish: Funicular de Artxanda) is a funicular railway in the city of Bilbao in Spain's Basque Country. It links downtown Bilbao with the recreational area at the summit of the nearby Artxanda Mountain, which has a park, several restaurants, a hotel, a sports complex, and offers panoramic views of the city.

Palacio Euskalduna

El Palacio Euskalduna de Congresos y de la Música (en euskera Euskalduna Jauregia), más conocido como Palacio Euskalduna, es un centro de convenciones y de espectáculos situado en la ciudad de Bilbao ( País Vasco, España). Fue inaugurado el 19 de febrero de 1999. Sus arquitectos son Federico Soriano y Dolores Palacios.

Plaza Nueva - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Plaza Nueva or Plaza Barria ( New Square) of Bilbao is a monumental square of Neoclassical style built in 1821. Its name comes from the previously existing Plaza Vieja or Old Square in the place where the Ribera Market was built. The square is enclosed by arcaded buildings and accessed by arches known as cuevas ( caves).

Mount Artxanda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mount Artxanda is one of the two small mountain ranges that delimit the municipality of Bilbao the other one being Pagasarri. Of the two it is the lower one (at no more than 300 m.), the closer one to the center of the city and the one that has suffered from more intense urbanization.

Doña Casilda Iturrizar park

Doña Casilda Iturrizar park is a public park located in the Basque-Spanish city of Bilbao, in the central neighbourhood of Indautxu. It is named after Casilda Iturrízar, who donated the terrains. It was the only lung of the city until a few years ago.

San Mamés Stadium (1913)

San Mamés Stadium ( Spanish: Estadio San Mamés [esˈtaðjo sam maˈmes]; also known as La Catedral [la kateˈðɾal], "The Cathedral"), was a football stadium in Bilbao, Biscay, Spain. The stadium was the home of Athletic Bilbao, known as Los Leones de San Mamés- Bilboko lehoiak (The Lions of San Mamés).

Palacio de la Diputación Foral de Vizcaya

El Palacio de la Diputación Foral de Vizcaya , sito en el n.º 25 de la calle Gran Vía de Bilbao ( España) es un edificio exento de planta rectangular, de aspecto sólido y majestuoso. Diseñado por el arquitecto Luis Aladrén, es considerado "una de las obras cumbres del eclecticismo alfonsino" en Vizcaya.

Basilica of Begoña - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Basilica of Begoña (or Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Begoña in Spanish) is a basilica in Bilbao, in Spain, dedicated to the patron saint of Biscay, the Virgin Begoña.

Moyua (Metro Bilbao) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Moyua is a station of the Line 1 and Line 2 of Metro Bilbao. The station before is Indautxu and the station after is Abando. It is located in the neighborhood of Abando in the district of the same name, in the city of Bilbao. It is located under the Moyua Square.

Catedral de Santiago de Bilbao

La Catedral Basílica de Santiago en Bilbao ( Vizcaya, País Vasco, España) es el templo católico que desde 1949 alberga la sede de la Diócesis de Bilbao. Fue construida entre el último cuarto del siglo XIV y principios del XVI en estilo gótico, si bien su fachada y torre son el resultado de una profunda reconstrucción acometida en el siglo XIX en estilo neogótico.

Zubizuri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Zubizuri ( Basque for " white bridge"), also called the Campo Volantin Bridge or Puente del Campo Volantin, is a tied arch footbridge across the Nervion River in Bilbao, Spain. Designed by architect Santiago Calatrava, the bridge links the Campo Volantin right bank and Uribitarte left bank of the river.

Iglesia de San Nicolás (Bilbao)

La iglesia de San Nicolás sita en la ciudad de Bilbao ( Vizcaya, País Vasco, España) es un templo católico de estilo barroco inaugurado en 1756 y proyectado por el arquitecto Azpeitiarra Ignacio Ibero. Se ubica en el Casco Viejo de la villa, concretamente en la plaza de San Nicolás y su fachada se enfrenta al teatro Arriaga.