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Updated by Martin W Smith on Oct 10, 2017
Headline for Marketing Gurus To Follow On Twitter (add yours and vote for favs)
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Marketing Gurus To Follow On Twitter (add yours and vote for favs)

Martin's Top 10 Marketing Guru "MustFollow" on Twitter. Add yours and vote for favs.

Guillaume Decugis (@gdecugis)

Co-Founder & CEO @Scoopit. Entrepreneur (Musiwave, Goojet). Skier. Gamer. Blogging without blogging here:

Jason Falls (@jasonfalls)

Husband, Father, Author, Speaker, Humorist. Allegedly wise to the ways of PR, Digital Marketing and Social Media. I like bourbon. (Great speaker and social media expert)

david edelman (@davidedelman)

Global co-Lead McKinsey Digital, focused on Consumer Decision Journey (CDJ), emerging tech trends. Views are my own. (Great writer, HBR articles on Customer Decision Journey are must reads)

lisagansky (@instigating)

entrepreneur. serial instigator. author. technology + shared access to economic transformation. urban innovation. unused value = waste. (Meshing It author and disruptor, great entrepreneur)

Daniel Pink (@danielpink)

Author of 5 books. Father of 3 kids. Husband of 1 wife. Fan of double-blind studies and the Washington Nationals. (author of Drive and To Sell Is Human two MUST READS for any marketer today).

B.L. Ochman (@whatsnext)

B.L. Ochman: GooglePlus coaching, ground-breaking digital & social marketing. Loves to dance. Hire her! (Agree she is great and G+ is most disruptive tool on earth).

Liz Strauss (@lizstrauss)

Founder of SOBCon, social business strategist. It's only fun when it's brilliant strategy, high return, AND connects customers in a meaningful way. Google: liz

Chris Brogan (@chrisbrogan)

Advisor & business strategist. Publisher, More? . contact: (the freaky one is a great IMer and "new marketing" guru)

Jeff Bullas (@jeffbullas)

Social Media Marketing Blogger,Strategist & Speaker,Forbes Top 50 Social Media Power Influencer 2013,Huffington Post Top 100 Business Twitter Accounts