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Updated by Martin W Smith on Oct 10, 2017
Headline for Friends To Follow on Twitter & Add Yours Too
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Friends To Follow on Twitter & Add Yours Too

10 of Martin's "MustFollow" friends on Twitter. Who am I missing? Please ADD your favorite MustFollow Twitter friends and vote for your favs.

Phil Buckley (@1918)

SEO, Digital Strategist, Content Marketer, Social Mediaologist, Web Developer and Red Sox fan 4 life. See what I'm sharing at oh and Curagami co-founder too :).

Mark Traphagen (@marktraphagen)

Social Media | Google+ | Content Marketing | Online Brand Building | Google Authorship |
Sr. Director of Online Marketing - (great G+ guru and fellow Big C Survivor and Durham, NC resident)

Karl Sakas (@karlsakas)

Author, Speaker, and @AgencyFirebox Management Consultant. Helping digital marketing agency owners from NYC to Seattle create the agency they always wanted. (best project manager Phil and I know, intelligent and great friend and #mustfollow)

Janet M. Kennedy (@jkennedy93)

Digital Strategist & Marketing Pro. Healthcare Marketing Information Curator. Founder Online Speakeasy. #SocialMedia #Entrepreneurship #StartupWeekend #Scuba (great friend and hard working content curator)

Curatti (@janlgordon)

CEO of Curatti - Publisher, content curator, social media savvy, Content Writing Services ,(Curatti founder and great curator)

Cendrine Marrouat (@cendrinemedia)

Social media journalist, blogger, coach, curator, author. Founder of @somediaslant. The Little Big eBook on Social Media Audiences is out! (GREAT curator and hardest working content curator in Rock 'n Roll :)

Gregory Ng (@gregoryng)

CMO @BrooksBellinc // Host/Producer at @Freezerburns // On a mission to fight hunger and be a great dad. (Great Internet marketer especially around conversion)

Amy Lewis (@commsninja)

Old-School Open Community Evangelist. Host #EngineersUnplugged | @Geek_Whisperers. Influence Marketing @ Cisco. Foodie. Whiteboard Ninja. Opinions, mine. (Great content curator, brilliant).

Ally Greer (@allygreer)

Director of Community & Content @scoopit | Penn State. geek. #cmgr. sports fanatic. music lover. runner. | I know all the words to We Didn't Start the Fire. (Great community manager at Scoopit)

Brian Yanish (@marketinghits)

Mobile Website Solutions, Website Development, Social Media Marketing, Local Search Marketing, Trainer, Writer, Speaker. Call 1.888.535.9139 (Great content marketer / curator and friend)