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Updated by Hannah Morgan on Jun 19, 2014
Headline for Career Development Carnival: June 2014
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Career Development Carnival: June 2014

One of the things job hunters and career navigators struggle with is how to connect and get a response from a prospective employer or network contact.

Do you have a secret formula or tip that you can share?

Getting Your Network to Give To You | Deborah Mourey, Hell In the Hallway

Here are 3 ideas for preparing to build your network before you need it. Whether it's a book (the Go-Giver), a podcast or an attitude of gratitude; get ready today.

Upping your Response Rate: Focus on Ask | Lynn Dessert, Elephants at Work

How you ask a question directly impacts the information and engagement you get from someone else. Let's work through an example of how to improve a request.

Did They Really Call You That? | Daisy Wright, Career Musings

Pardon the term, but have you ever been called an 'ask-hole?' Someone who is always asking without giving?

There is always a connection-The value of Networking | Dan Ryan, Ryan Search

Success is 5% preparation and 95% perspiration. networking is much the same way. Knowing what to do and when to do it is a big step on the way to success.

How to Ask Friends and Family for Help With Your Career | Hannah Morgan, US News On Careers

Fear of rejection might prevent you from seeking the assistance you need.

Hiring Manager Inactive on LinkedIn? Four Terrific Options! | Donna Svei, Avid Careerist

Tested, successful strategies for gaining introductions to hiring managers who aren't active on LinkedIn.

How to Connect on LinkedIn with People You Don’t Know . . . and Get Action | Meg Guiseppi, Executive Career Brand

Go beyond the default message “I’d like to add you to my professional network”. Generate interest and compel people to want to help you in your job search.