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Updated by Laura Turner Moore on Oct 28, 2016
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Free Desktop Organization Backgrounds

Appsolutely April

I wish I could take the credit for this awesome idea, but I actually stumbled upon it when I was on Pinterest searching for desktop wallpaper. If your desktop looks like mine, then you're a cluttered mess. I usually know where everything is, but when you use three different computers like I do, you tend...

Clean up your Computer Desktop | Simple Computer Organization

Do you suffer from a messy computer desktop? If you are like me, you are always saving items sent to you in emails and from the web. The fastest place to save them is to my desktop so I can shortly do what I need to with each download; whether it's print it, place it...

Gallery: 20 Cool Organizational Desktop Wallpapers

We all try to keep our desktops clean and organized, but sometimes it's just hard to cut down on the clutter. If you're the type that has 10 folders you need to access on a daily basis and loads to do, these organizational desktops might just come in handy.

Giveaway: 10 Readers Win Digital Desktop Organizer ($15-20 Value)

Is your computer desktop in need of some spunk, sparkle, and organization?! Twelve Stones Photography has created a digital desktop organizer which has spaces for family photos, sticky notes, desktop icons, folders, and applications. The organizer is Hip and functional and serves as a digital "home" within or away from home!

IHeart Organizing

My computer desktop has a tenancy of accumulating all sorts of clutter since it's the quickest way for me to save and find files. But if it doesn't stay maintained, then it is no longer quick, but a headache.

I'm inkpressed

In an effort to continue to cross off items off my 2012 to do list, organization was next in line. First on the list: my desktop! I always try to keep my desktop organized, but after a few weeks, and several new folders later, I am back to chaos.

Moritz Fine Blog Designs

A few months back, I wrote a post How to Clean up your Computer Desktop. It has been so helpful to many of you AND the post got a lot of love over on Pinterest! If you are anything like me, I need change, so it was time to create a few new desktop organization backgrounds for you to use.

Organizational Desktop Wallpapers.

So I have dolled up my Desktop and I'm in love. Organization and Colorful Fun! All part of some spring cleaning, I managed to find this online after wondering if such a thing existed. In doing so, I found many different types of pages that I really liked and decided to share.

Technology Organization for Men | Moritz Fine Blog Designs

Ok, guys! You've been asking and asking...and finally I have some technology organization tips just for you! Actually, the tips aren't new (aww, don't be disappointed...there is good news! just keep reading!)...they are ones that I have shared before, but the organization images are new...and they are just for guys.

Tech Tuesday: Custom Organized Computer Desktops

Hey teacher friends! If you are anything like me, my computer desktop needs to be organized in a certain way. First, most everything needs to be in a folder. They drive me berserk if I have random icons floating all over the place. After that, I want to make sure that items are grouped together accordingly.

Who Else Wants A Desktop Wallpaper That Organizes? - Paperclip Files

Paperclip Files has a solution to our desktop piles of files. Organize your documents with a Organizing Desktop Wallpaper. We have provided 5 for FREE!