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Top Videos for Cruise Destination Kodi, West Sumba – Created by Staff. Feel Free to add, vote or provide feedback to the list
Uploaded by RihiMone on 2010-03-03.
2013年9月7日、NTT(東ヌサトゥンガラ)州の一県である、スンバ島(Pulau Sumba)の西南スンバ県(Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya)の最西端部にあたるコディ郡(Kecamatan Kodi)のペロ海岸(Pantai Pero)で日没を撮影した。 Pada tgl 7 September 2013, sempat shooting suasana Matahari Terbenam di Pantai Pero, Kecamatan Kodi, Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya(SBD) Pulau Sumba, Provinsi NTT.
When they say the trip is the destination, they are talking about places like West Sumba. Travel there is no piece of cake, but moving through this epic landscape, with all its challenges, is the definition of adventure.
Pantai Bwanna (Banna) terletak di Kecamatan Kodi Balaghar. Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya (SBD), Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), Indonesia. Jarak ke pantai Banna ini dapat ditempuh kurang lebih 2 Jam perjalanan dari Tamboka Ibukota Kab SBD.
Bagi anda penggila surfing kami rekomendasikan salah satu spot surfing terbaik di dunia,peringkat # 17 pantai terbaik di dunia versi CNN yang berlokasi di pulau sumba tepatnya di sumba barat daya (SBD) ,dengan pemandangan alam yang luar basa eksotik,budaya yang sangat kental dan penduduk yang hangat dan ramah...Visit to my island surganya para Rato...
This land is on HOT OFFER right now, which is very close to the beach in Sumba Island. Sumba is my hometown. it's only need 1 hour 20 minutes by plane, from Ngurah Rai airport -Denpasar Bali to this place.
Preview of Eileen.sanda's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator. Entry from: Sumba, Faroe Islands Entry Title: "Sumba - Experience the Power of The North Atlantic" Entry: "Sumba is a small village in the southern end of Suðuroy in the Faroe Islands.
Sumba island is one of a small island located in the eastern part of Indonesia precisely in the provinces of East Nusa Tenggara, Sumba island famous for its horse sandalwood. tu besides natural charm also makes the island of Sumba and beautiful as one group of islands with a special attraction for local tourists, especially foreign tourists.