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Updated by Andrew Neal on Apr 06, 2015
Andrew Neal Andrew Neal
24 items   6 followers   1 votes   155 views

Growth Hacking Tools & Blogs

GrowHack | The leading resource for growth hacking

Learn the lean marketing tactics and best practices from the world’s fastest growing companies.

Bright Journey - Answers for Startup Questions

Get free startup advice and make informed business decisions.

StartupRunner - Get Your Business Model In Shape

FREE online tool that makes it easy to record what you know about customers, manage experiments to validate assumptions and track the results.

Online Courses - Anytime, Anywhere | Udemy

Udemy is the world's largest destination for online courses. Discover an online course on and start learning a new skill today.

Teach at GA | Become an Instructor

Learn how to become an instructor at General Assembly.

Monitor Google keyword positions for free | RankScanner

Easily monitor keyword positions (SERPs) on Google for free, for an unlimited amount of websites on your account.

Unsubscribe from unwanted emails & combine the rest into a single daily digest with .

Bounce Exchange | Profitizing Worthless Traffic | Exit Intent

BounceX is known for inventing 'exit-intent technology' and being world class at capturing emails + leads from your prospects.

Privacy Policy Generator | iubenda

Privacy laws require privacy policies on websites and apps: Use our lawyer-crafted, self-updating and international privacy policy generator, 2014 laws included.

Trigger based email, push, SMS messages - Autosend

Trigger based marketing tool for web and mobile apps. Send event-based emails, text, and push notifications to your customers the easy way.

Copy Blog - Over 50,000 Readers | Copywriting by Copy Hackers

Loaded with actionable short posts, theoretical posts, audio interviews and videos, the copy blog by Copy Hackers will teach you to convert like a mofo.

Qzzr, the world's simplest quiz tool

Make a quiz, send it out, track results... that’s it.

Sniply — Embed messages into the articles you share.

Embed messages into the articles you share. Promote yourself as you share Forbes, TechCrunch, Mashable, etc.

Content Marketing Solutions from Copyblogger

Content marketing tools, tips, and training for online marketers, copywriters, and entrepreneurs. The advice, strategies, and solutions that work.

Tuts+ Business Tutorials

Tuts+ teaches creative and technical skills across many topics to millions of people worldwide. We offer tutorials, articles, news and insights that help you take your knowledge to the next level.