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Updated by Gangadhar Kulkarni on Jun 13, 2023
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SEO Expert : Seogdk

Seogdk shares valuable information about website development, search engine optimization, social media optimization, search engine marketing and web technologies by way of blogs, articles and tips.

SEO Expert : Seogdk

Having worked with several renowned companies in the field of web optimization business, I always try to explore my abilities to their fullest potential as SEO specialist. I am a self - motivated person with confident crawling against all the professional hazards, who always believe that perseverance and willingness to learn more are the escalating steps towards success.

Overview of Google Panda 4.0 Update and its Prime Motive Behind Launching

On 21st May 2014 Matt Cutts announced on Twitter that Google Panda 4.0 update rolled out and website owners shocked and busy to digging useful information about this algorithm. Everyone searches the answer of this question; how much this update will affect website's ranking?

Free High PR RSS Feed Submission Sites List to Promote Your Feeds and Earn Quality Backlinks

Previously Seogdk wrote article about RSS feed tips and its advantages in which he mentioned importance of RSS feeds in SEO and valuable tips about RSS feed to increase organic web traffic . In this article brings collection of free high page rank RSS feed submission websites list to promote your feeds and gain quality backlinks.

Social Media Optimization Trick: Invite your all Facebook Friends Automatically to “Like” Your Facebook Page | SEO Ex...

In this article Seogdk discovers important social media trick for Facebook to earn more “Like” via sending invitation to all Facebook friends automatically. Each Facebook user have many friends and when they wants to invite friends to “like” their fan page then they can’t able to send invitation to all their friends at a time. To overcome this problem only one solution to add simple snippet in your Facebook page’s Console Tab.

Overview of Content Management Systems (CMS) and its Influence on SEO Efforts | SEO Expert : Seogdk

We aware that content is king in web development. Content is one of the important parts of your website because it organically improves your search engine rankings as well as drive traffic to your website if and only if the content is well written, original and focused. So in this article Seogdk explore the concept of Content Management Systems (CMS) as well as selection of proper CMS and its effect on SEO.

Free High PR Article Directory Submission Sites List to Promote Your Content on Internet

In this article Seogdk brings list of free high page rank article directory submission websites to promote your business, services and ideas via your content or articles. Previously I wrote article about Off-Page Optimization Techniques to Increase Link Popularity ofYour Site in which I focused on concept of article submission and its importance in SEO. Below see the list of article submission websites with its Google page rank and worldwide Alexa rank.

Top 100 Free High PR UK Business Directory Submission Sites List to Promote your Business in UK

in this article Seogdk brings collection of best 100 UK based business listing websites which are really helpful to increase audience engagement to your website as well as gain more exposure to your business in UK.

How to Remove Deleted Page of Your Website from Google Search Results or SERPs?

Website maintenance or monitoring is very crucial part of web development process. In other words it is essential and mandatory phase which decides your website's performance as well as improvement in Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) . Actually SEO process is nothing but development of website, not technically but virtually it being a part of website development.

Seogdk explore the guidelines to remove deleted page of your website from Google's cache or search results.

Google Panda 4.1 Update Rolled Out - Who will Get Benefits or Punishments?

After 4 months time span Google launched their another Panda algorithm. Previous Google Panda 4.0 update affected 7.5% of all English queries as well as low quality content, keywords and duplicate contents owned websites. In this article Seogdk analyze the impact of Google Panda 4.1 algometric update on websites which may be benefited or penalized.

In this article Seogdk analyze the impact of Google Panda 4.1 algometric update on websites which may be benefited or penalized.

What is Redirect Pages and How They Influence Your Site's Search Engine Rankings?

Recently Google rolled out their most awaited Penguin 3.0 Update to clean web spam as well as preventing black hat SEO techniques which are used by spammers to boost their site ranking in the SERPs .

In this article Seogdk elaborate the redirect page phenomenon and its influence on search engine rankings.

What Are The Few Most Important Things That Attract Website Visitors' Attention?

The attention span of the typical internet consumer is merely 8 seconds because of which website owners have to find various ways to effectively grab the attention of a user, and maintain it for long enough in order to get your message through.

In this article get valuable information and guidelines to attract website visitors' attention towards your website.

Manually Verified Free High PR Directory Collection to Submit Your Blog or Website

Every blogger wants to gain more web traffic to their blog or website so he/she always seeking such a platforms which drives quality web traffic to their site. Recently I got couple of emails of my blog readers in which they are requesting to provide updated list of blog directory submission sites where they can submit their blog or website and build quality user engagement.

The 7 Deadly Sins of Blogging
The age old favorite, the cliché, the trap many people end up falling in despite the many fangled precautions they do or do not put up. Let us be perfectly clear about a few things. If you are taking content of someone else's blog or website in a more direct manner and not giving them credit then you are practically stealing.
Surefire Tips For Instagram Marketing To Grow Your Business
Overview of Instagram marketing and its importance in social media as well as valuable Instagram marketing tips to promote your business.
Viral Content Buzz - A Great Web Traffic Booster For Your Blog

Get valuable information about organic web traffic booster Viral Content Buzz and its significance to enhance social media authority of your blog.

Blogging is extremely challenging task and nowadays it becomes more tough because every blogger wants to get more exposure to his/her work and expect more reach to relevant audience. So he/she try all the options of promotion to grab more attention towards his/her content.

The Increasing Emphasis on The Importance of Quality Content

The algorithms of search engines , such as Google, keep changing with the passage of time. There was a time when the sites with ample number of backlinks could rank higher in Google. But the case is no more the same. Now the emphasis is on the quality of the contents.

How to Create and Manage an Effective Newsletter

announcement for our readers, from this month we start the series "Blog of the Month" or "BOM". In this series we publish valuable thoughts and ideas shared by popular bloggers and entrepreneurs through their guest article once in a month. So in this series we brings first Blog of the Month guest article by Erik Emanuelli, founder of .

5 Ways To Make Money With Your Blog

You've been working hard on your blog, and now you want to make money on it. I get it - it's only natural. And the fact is, there are people making money on their blog - thousands in fact.

Best Free Infographic Submission Sites with High Domain Authority to Promote Your Infographics

The great emperor Nepoleon Bonaparte said "A picture is worth more than thousand words". Ya very true because an image is a great medium to articulate your ideas, feelings and opinions about specific topic precisely as compared to words. So in this article Seogdk brings manually verified list of infographic submission directories which really helpful for promote your infographics.

SEMrush Review - Best SEM and SEO Tool for Research, Analysis and Management

SEO and SEM are the key techniques in web marketing. Every entrepreneur or businessman wants more leads to grow business exponentially so they uses various online marketing techniques to attract customers via website or blog. In which SEO, SEM and SMO are the most preferred techniques followed by web owners to grab more web traffic and leads to their business via website.

Synopsis of Infolinks Ad Network and Surefire Tips to Make Money from It

Infolinks - a great In-text advertising platform to monetize your blog or website. Infolinks popularly known as Google AdSense alternative and instant approval ad network. Nowadays, Infolinks is one of the hassle-free income source for bloggers who are tired of sending applications to Google for AdSense approval.

5 Expert Tips for Beginners at Blogging

Get valuable and precise guidelines to build successful blog as well as few ideas you should keep in mind while blogging.

If there is one trend that has quickly caught on with today's generation it is that of blogging. A blog is a platform for any individual to express his views, ideas, photos and thoughts with the world and gain social popularity.

What is Domain Authority and Page Authority? List of High DA Content Submission Sites to Get Quality Backlinks

Learn more about domain authority (DA) and page authority (PA) terminologies with its basic differentiation as well as collection of high DA content submission sites to get quality backlinks.

Nowadays, many SEOs and Web marketers puzzled about place of link building process in web marketing. Mostly they have threats about Google's penalty for excessive link building. Ya this fact is true in some constraints but not completely. Link building still alive and useful for generating web traffic to your website.

10 Tips To Deal With Online Negative Review

The online marketplace has become very active, even a single online negative review can create havoc for any business, whether it is startup or huge one. And, it is also known that every business goes through bad and good reviews with the changing times.

Content Marketing: 5 Steps to Build a Massive Audience

Content Marketing means creating & sharing useful free content to attract & convert prospects into clients, and clients into repeat buyers. The sort of content you share is highly related to what your business or what you offer; in other words, you are educating individuals so that they know, like & trust you enough to do business with you.

Follow these 5 content marketing techniques to grab significant audience attention for your blog in less time of span.