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Updated by Howard Lake on Feb 22, 2021
Howard Lake Howard Lake
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Charity search engines

Search engines that generate income for charities and good causes, usually by sharing the advertising revenue.




Sleio lets users choose which charity will receive the income from their searches. There are 12 charities listed currently (KIva, Unicef, MSF, Khan Academy etc), but the founders say they plan to expand that to other charities.

The site claims to give 100% of its profits to charity.

It uses Google for its search service.

Search the web, save the environment!

Ecosia donates 80% of its income to a tree planting programme in Brazil. As of 10 June 2014 its 202,323 users had already planted 616,420 trees.


Everyclick is a fundraising website and charity search engine. It lets uses raise money for over 200,000 UK charities.

Simply Do Good

A mixture of search and shopping that raises money for 100,000+ nonprofits and schools. to save the planet. is a free search service that enables anyone to help protect and support environmental projects through their everyday searches.

Helpuu - When You Search the Internet, You Help Great Charities

Helpuu: a Google-powered search engine that donates money to charity everytime you search online. Featured charities include Feed the Children and American Red Cross.


Freelanthropy uses Yahoo! and shares revenues with schools, churches, shelters, scouts, environmental causes and thousands of other nonprofits.

Just Go Search

We've partnered with Yahoo!, one of the best internet search engines, so that we can direct some of the online advertising revenue they generate, into the pockets of every registered charity in the UK.