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Updated by Sedley Abercrombie on Jun 15, 2014
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Summer Reading List: PD for TL's

This is a list of suggested titles from the June 8th #nctlchat.


Reading Unbound

Reading Unbound

Digital Leadership

Digital Leadership

Igniting a Passion for Reading

Igniting a Passion for Reading

Teaching with Intention

Teaching with Intention

Using Data to Improve Learning for All

Using Data to Improve Learning for All

Invent to Learn

Invent to Learn

Maker Movement Manifesto

Maker Movement Manifesto

Connecting Comics to Curriculum

Connecting Comics to Curriculum

The Book Whisperer

The Book Whisperer

Reading in the Wild

Reading in the Wild

The Indispensable Librarian

The Indispensable Librarian

Essential Questions

Essential Questions

The Multiplayer Classroom

The Multiplayer Classroom

Teach Like a Pirate

Teach Like a Pirate
The Multiplayer Classroom: Designing Coursework as a Game

Multiplayer Classroom Shots Don't mess with a Game Designer (Click to enlarge) Author and educator Lee Sheldon in action Student board game Presenting in character Student demonstration Student virtual game See one of Lee Sheldon's course outlines, which illustrates principles of The Multiplayer Classroom. Chart Sense: Common Sense Charts to Teach 3-8 Informational Text and Literature (9780988950511): Rozlyn L...

This is the first book I have ever read on anchor charts for 3-8 students. The charts are POWERFUL and really make an impact on instruction. I was lucky enough to watch Dr. Linder teach my own students, using two of these charts. the kids were glued to her!

Critical Literacy

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Make Just One Change

Make Just One Change: Teach Students to Ask Their Own Questions (Harvard Education Press: 2011) makes two simple arguments: All students should and can learn to formulate their own questions All educators can easily teach the skill as part of their regular practice Make Just One Change not only makes the case for the importance of teaching students how to ask their own questions, it also provides a clear step-by-step process for teaching a sophisticated thinking skill to all learners.

Storytelling and QAR Strategies

Combining storytelling techniques and QAR (Question-Answer-Response) techniques to teach reading comprehension is an interesting strategy. The techniques could be used in teaching other literature as well. Good for upper elementary through middle school.

Using Data to Improve Learning for All

Translations & Foreign Rights | Permissions "This book will take you along paths forged by data trailblazers toward deeper understandings of the needs of students. The lessons learned will help you blaze your own trail." -Page Keeley, PresidentNational Science Teachers Association Collaborative inquiry + effective use of data = significant leaps in learning and achievement!

Stenhouse Publishers: Teaching with Intention

Product Details "I believe in the power of collaborative classroom communities where everyone's ideas are valued and respected. But had you been in my classroom that day, you'd have never known it. You'd have thought I believed that I was the one with all the answers."

The Dreamkeepers

The DreamkeepersIn the second edition of her critically acclaimed book The Dreamkeepers, Gloria Ladson-Billings revisits the eight teachers who were profiled in the first edition and introduces us to new teachers who are current exemplars of good teaching. She shows that culturally relevant teaching is not a matter of race, gender, or teaching style.

Stenhouse Publishers: Igniting a Passion for Reading

Product Details When teaching reading, American classrooms often focus exclusively on skills instruction. But how can you teach the "how" without the "why?" In his new book, Igniting a Passion for Reading, Steve Layne shows teachers how to develop readers who are not only motivated to read great books, but also love reading in its own right.

Digital Leadership

Move leadership into the digital age Digital leadership is a strategic mindset and set of behaviors that leverages resources to create a meaningful, transparent, and engaging school culture. It takes into account recent changes such as ubiquitous connectivity, open-source technology, mobile devices, and personalization to dramatically shift how schools have been run and structured for over a century.