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Updated by 62144596 on Jun 06, 2014
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Top 71 Interview Questions In MBA InHuman Resource Management

Here are 71 Interview Questions for Human Resource Management graduates. Make sure you prepare for these questions before going for your interview. Also, please do add your own questions below if you think we have missed out any in this list. We would be happy to receive your inputs!


Why did you choose to do Human Resource specialization?

Why did you choose to do Human Resource specialization?

Tell us about a company whose Human Resource policies and systems you admire and why?

Tell us about a company whose Human Resource policies and systems you admire and why?

How has your MBA equipped you for the industry?

How has your MBA equipped you for the industry?

What in your opinion are the top two qualities of a Human Resource entry level professional and why?

What in your opinion are the top two qualities of a Human Resource entry level professional and why?

Why do you think you qualify for a Human Resource position?

Why do you think you qualify for a Human Resource position?

What are your weaknesses as a Human Resource Professional?

What are your weaknesses as a Human Resource Professional?

What do you think are the key responsibilities of a Human Resource manager?

What do you think are the key responsibilities of a Human Resource manager?

What is Personnel Management?

What is Personnel Management?

What is the difference between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management?

What is the difference between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management?

What is the difference between salary and incentive?

What is the difference between salary and incentive?

What is meant by Fringe Benefits? Explain with examples

What is meant by Fringe Benefits? Explain with examples

When a company doesn’t allow DA, how will you calculate gratuity?

When a company doesn’t allow DA, how will you calculate gratuity?

What general deductions are made while making payroll?

What general deductions are made while making payroll?

What do you understand by Variance Report in Payroll?

What do you understand by Variance Report in Payroll?

What is Accrued Tax?

What is Accrued Tax?

What are the different Payroll Taxes?

What are the different Payroll Taxes?

What is Competency Mapping? Explain in detail

What is Competency Mapping? Explain in detail

Tell us what do you know about HR scorecard

Tell us what do you know about HR scorecard

What is the difference between recruitment and selection?

What is the difference between recruitment and selection?

What do you know about 360 degree feedback? Why is it done?

What do you know about 360 degree feedback? Why is it done?

Does a company have to provide an employee with time off if the employee is donating blood?

Does a company have to provide an employee with time off if the employee is donating blood?

What is MSDS?

What is MSDS?

What do you know about the procedure for appointing contract personnel?

What do you know about the procedure for appointing contract personnel?

What is ‘Spread Over’? Which act talks about it?

What is ‘Spread Over’? Which act talks about it?

How is ESI calculated?

How is ESI calculated?