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Updated by Rosemary Rice on Jan 24, 2024
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Tools to Explore Strengths

Strengths are abilities that require physical or mental effort, especially activities that give you strength when you engage in them. When an activity draws you in and time flies by, it may be a strength. Strengths may be developed skills that have been learned or natural talents. Sometimes the personal qualities that are your positive traits are called character strengths.


Multiple Intelligences -- Assessment

This form can help you determine which intelligences
are strongest for you. If you're a teacher or tutor, you can
also use it to find out which intelligences your learner uses
most often. Many thanks to Dr. Terry Armstrong for graciously
allowing us to use his questionnaire.

What are your strengths?

Your strengths are a mixture of your talents, knowledge and skills. The theory behind strengths is based on positive psychology: everyone has strengths they are born with but few people know what these are. By identifying your strengths and matching yourself to the role, you will enjoy it more and perform better that those who have to try hard to fill the role.

How to identify your strengths. Part 1: Self-Reflection

I recently made a case that it's better to " stick to your strengths " than to do "whatever you set your mind to." The main thrust of my argument was that even if you could do anything you set your mind to, it's a slower, longer, and more frustrating road to excellence if you're not using your strengths.

Do a SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis is a tool to gain clarity by looking at strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The Daily PlanIt SWOT form includes places to list your top five personal qualities (character traits), skills and talents, then list...

The Johari Window was invented by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham in the
1950s as a model for mapping personality awareness. By describing yourself from
a fixed list of adjectives, then asking your friends and colleagues to describe
you from the same list, a grid of overlap and difference can be built up.

Personal Strengths Inventory

Rate each statement according to how well it describes you. Base your ratings on how you really are, not how you would like to be.

All 34 CliftonStrengths Themes Descriptions

Definitions and videos describing all 34 of the CliftonStrengths themes.

LET IT RiPPLE | Science of Character

Mobile Films for Global Change

Personal Strengths & Weaknesses Defined (+ A List of 92 Strengths)

What are your personal strengths? Why is it important to identify them, as well as your weaknesses? What strengths should you focus on in a job interview?

34 Strengths from StrengthsFinder

“When we studied them, excellent performers were rarely well rounded. On the contrary, they were sharp.” — Donald O. Clifton

Free Aptitude Test – Find Your Strengths & Weaknesses

This free Aptitude Test will show your top 3 strengths and weaknesses - no access code / no email needed. You get all 21 strengths, aptitudes, & tips.

The Strengths Approach To Doing Satisfying Work And Delivering Success - The Positive Encourager

This article focuses on how you can do satisfying work and deliver success.

CliftonStrengths Quick Reference Card

Download the short definitions for all 34 of the CliftonStrengths (formerly Clifton StrengthsFinder) themes

Printable Strength Cards For Therapists and Coaches

We provide a definition of strength cards and offer suggested ways to use them along with 3 sets of cards for adults and children.

BIG FIVE Workplace Personalities – TalentMap

Understanding the association between individual personality traits and employee engagement is the premise of an academic paper authored by Ilke Inceoglu and Peter Warr.


Thrive te pae ora is a free face to face professional counselling service for young people (rangatahi) aged 12 to 24 and their family (whānau) living in the lower South Island.

Downloads - Free DNA-V Resources

Free download of strengths cards

Strengths & Weaknesses: Definition, Meaning, and Examples - The Berkeley Well-Being Institute

What are strengths and weaknesses? How do you identify your strengths and weaknesses? And how do you start turning your weaknesses into strengths? Find out here.

SOAR Analysis - Journalism - Strategic Communication - Library Guides at University of Missouri Libraries

"SOAR is a strategic planning framework with an approach that focuses on strengths and seeks to understand the whole system by including the voices of the relevant stakeholders.  SOAR conversations center on what an organization is doing right, what skills dould be enhanced, and what is compelling to those who have a 'stake' in the organization's success." (Stavros, J. & Hinrichs, G. (2009).  The thin book of SOAR:  Building strengths-based strategy.)

What job should I do – Wheel of Strengths | Barclays LifeSkills

Discover which jobs could suit you with our Wheel of Strengths tool. Get started by picking your current skills, interests, and personality traits.

40 Strengths to Put on a Resume, CV & Interview (List & Examples)

40 Key strengths examples to put on a resume & CV: positive personality, self-motivated, multilingual, adaptable, reliable, proactive, collaborative, self-aware,...

Personality Test by Red Bull - find your strengths | Wingfinder

Red Bull Wingfinder is a personality assessment that focuses on your strengths, the things that you’re naturally inclined to be good at, and gives you the tools and coaching to be even better.

StandOut Assessment - TMBC

Your key to a strengths-based world. In just 15 minutes, StandOut can show you a more powerful approach to work.