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Updated by Rosemary Rice on Aug 15, 2022
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Tools to Explore Skills

Skills are abilities that can be learned. Look at projects you are proud of and you will likely see some of your skills.

Skills Profiler home - America's Career InfoNet

Use the Skills Profiler to create a list of your skills and match them to job types that need those skills. You can use this profile to identify occupations that use your current skills, find gaps you need to fill, or polish your resume.

Job Skills Checklist // Purdue Writing Lab

The Purdue University Online Writing Lab serves writers from around the world and the Purdue University Writing Lab helps writers on Purdue's campus.

Career Key | Identify Your Skills

Learn ways to be job skills and work skills smart in our step by step process to identify your skills and make them work for you.

50 Ways to Get a Job That Makes Good

An interactive site that gives you all the steps you need to take to find a job that makes money and does good.

Career Interests Game // Career Center // University of Missouri

Come to the MU Career Center! Monday-Friday from 9-4 in the basement of the Student Success Center (Lowry Mall)

Online card sort that requires flash

Skills Inventory from Tufts University

Have you ever wondered why you do better in some classes than others? It may depend on your individual learning style. Your learning style influences the way you understand information and solve problems.

Skill Matcher

Get job ideas based on your skills.

Skills | CAREERwise Education

A skill is a learned or natural ability to accomplish a particular task.

Employability skills or "soft skills" are the key to workplace success.

Have some ideas for your future? Use these tools to compare different options and learn what you need to pursue your goals.

Information on what a skill is, why it is important to know your skills, and the three types of skills.

Skills Inventory at U of MN Duluth...As you begin to explore career options and conduct your job search, it is important to know your own qualifications. Over the years you develop many skills through your coursework, co-curricular activities, and other life experiences. Prospective employers expect you to know your skills and to be able to apply what you learn in college to the work environment.

Interpersonal Skills Self-Assessment | SkillsYouNeed

Test your interpersonal skills. Assessment for listening skills, emotional intelligence, verbal communication and how well you work in a group situation.

Figure out your skills

How to figure out your skills to help you identify your career options.

Explore Your Skills | Daily PlanIt

Explore Your Skills is Part Three of Discover U in Ten Steps. ASSESS current skills. Do you have the top skills that employers want? When you know what your skills are, you can match them to careers. Find free online tools to explore skills at The Skills Center at CareerOneStop is a great place…

Develop Work Skills | Daily PlanIt

Career – Activity: Develop Work SkillsTop 10 Skills and Qualities Employers Want There are many skills that are important for work. Job skills are specific to an occupation, like special computer software or reading blueprints. Transferable skills are general work skills like the ability to use a computer program or writing a report. More transferable…




SCANS skills assessment

Foundation Skills - PA Adult Education Resources

Foundation Skills Framework, Career Pathways