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Updated by Rosemary Rice on Aug 15, 2022
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Tools to Explore Interests

Interests are often things we like to learn more about. They may be activities or hobbies that you enjoy.

Career Clusters and Holland Codes | ISEEK

Wonder what career clusters match specific Holland codes?

Simple Holland Code Assessment from Minnesota Careers

Skills and Interests | Tufts Student Services

Understanding your skills, interests, values, and personality is the first step toward choosing a career path. Learning what you enjoy, what you’re good at, and what you value most in your life or work environment is necessary before you embark on exploring possible careers. View the sections below for resources to help you as you reflect.

Holland Code Career Test | A Free RIASEC Job Interest Inventory

This test measures your interest level in the 6 categories of careers, as described by Dr. John Holland in his RIASEC model:

Career Cluster Interest Survey | Minnesota State CAREERwise

Tell us your interests. We'll show you career clusters you might like.

Assess Yourself | Minnesota State CAREERwise

Find careers that match your work skills, interests, and values.

Career Clusters Student Interest Survey | Advance CTE

The Student Interest Survey for Career Clusters® is a career guidance tool that allows students to respond to questions and identify the top three Career Clusters of interest based on their responses. This pencil/paper survey takes about fifteen minutes to complete and can be used in the classroom or for presentations with audiences who have an interest in career exploration. A Spanish version of the survey can be downloaded here. The Student Interest Survey for Career Clusters may be used for educational purposes only.

Career Assesment | Career Resources | Economic and Labor Market Information Bureau

Licensed, Certified, and Registered Occupations in New Hampshire provides information about occupational licenses, certifications, or registrations issued by state boards, commissions, and departments.

MnCareers Interest Assessment | CAREERwise Education

Before you choose a career or start a job search, you should know which careers match your personality.

Holland’s theory

Match Holland Code to Careers.

Interest Assessment

For each of the following statements, choose a thumbs up if the statement describes you, or choose a thumbs down if the statement does not describe you.

Have some ideas for your future? Use these tools to compare different options and learn what you need to pursue your goals.

Personality test

Career Interest Survey

Roadtrip Nation

Roadtrip Nation

Understand Your Interests - alis

Learn how the 5 types of interests are defined, where they come from, and how you can use them to spot occupations that might be a good fit for you.

Interests Exercise - alis

In this exercise, you'll rank your interests in 50 activities. Based on your results, you'll be presented with links to related occupational profiles.

Match Your Interests to Occupations | Job Seekers Guide

Before you choose a career or start a job search, you should know which careers match your personality. Picking the right job increases your chances of future job satisfaction and career success. Taking an interest assessment can help you understand which careers might be the best fit for you.