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Updated by Listly Curator on Jul 04, 2015
Headline for Listagram from Listly #20 - Game of Lists
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Listagram from Listly #20 - Game of Lists

From Game of Thrones to Getting ready for summer, here are a few lists that made our week interesting. Please keep those lists coming!

Top reasons why Tyrion Lannister is the BEST Game of Thrones character

A Listicle for the Game of Throne addicts. Tyrion Lannister, "The Imp" or "The Halfman" played by Peter Dinklage has earned him high appreciations and the love of many. Here are the 10 reasons (and video clips from various seasons) that makes him the best GoT character.

20 #ProjectManagement Gurus to Follow on Twitter

A great people list from the Wrike team. 20 inspirational and informative Project Management Gurus you should follow on Twitter to stay in the know, develop your PM skills, and further your career. Do you know of other great PM gurus to follow on Twitter?

Stellar Tools for Summer Archival

Summer is here and Lisa Johnson has put together a cool list of Apps and Sites to help digitally archive and showcase your vacation or stay-cation. Get your smartphones ready by clearing out those old media!

25 Best Math Game Apps for Kids this Summer!

Summer is around the corner ... to help your kids stay in touch with math, here are some of the best math game apps we have found for the perfect fun summer learning. What are your favorites? Fun Educational Apps makes a list to keep kids counting through summer.

The Top Food Apps for the Foodie

Guy Besley makes a list of Food Apps for the gastronome! Make sure you check out all of Guy's foodie lists on his Listly Profile. But wait, there's more food related lists this week.

Vibrant Vegan Recipes | The Best Food Blogs