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Updated by Lewis Reed on May 28, 2014
Lewis Reed Lewis Reed
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Cheap Work Boots

Top 5 Women's Work Boots Of 2013

After getting multiple requests from our female reader base we decided to put together a list of the top 5 women's work boots. Finding the right work boots that are comfortable and stylish while offering support and ruggedness to protect your feet can be difficult at times, especially when trying to find something within your price range that were actually made for a woman.

Work Boots

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Lewis Reed

That is why many boot manufacturers have now started selling women's boots in a variety of sizes as well. These boots all have narrow bases which make them a lot...

Lewis Reed (lewisreed4586)

Lewis Reed | Just because women have smaller feet doesn't necessarily mean that they have to suffer.


As far as work boots are concerned, there is no hiding the fact that women's needs are a lot different from men's. While a man doesn't really care about how his work boots look, a woman will obviously want a pair that not only gets the job done but is stylish as well.

Cheap Work Boots

Cheap Work Boots

Lewis Reed (lewis_reed) -

It will eventually reach a stage where manufacturers will be more interested in catering to the needs of women instead of the men. Let's face it; men really don't care how their work boots look. But as far as women are concerned, if they aren't wearing proper, good looking work boots, they will definitely have a hard time.