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Updated by Mark Huber on Oct 26, 2014
Mark Huber Mark Huber
21 items   24 followers   10 votes   1.06k views

The Top 18 Unique Places to Find Great Content to Share

The Top 18 Unique Places to Find Great Content to Share

feedly: organize, read and share what matters to you.

Feedly connects you to the information and knowledge you care about. We help you get more out of you work, education, hobbies and interests. The feedly platform lets you discover sources of quality content, follow and read everything those sources publish with ease and organize everything in one place.


Your Social Magazine. Flipboard takes your interests and responds with a beautifully-designed flip book of articles and stories that fit what you’re into.


Prismatic is the home for all your interests. Follow all the people and interests you care about and find stories you wouldn't get anywhere else. Available on iOS and web.

Build engaged audiences through publishing by curation. |

You are the content you publish. Discover, curate and publish great content to get visibility online.

Goodreads | Popular Quotes

"I believe that everything happens for a reason."




Reddit is collection of user generated links. Links are divided to subreddit likes Music, Programming, Gaming, News and other.


This daily newsletter contains the day’s most fascinating news – a Top Ten of interesting links from around the web, often starting with current events and meandering into fun, off-beat, interesting links.

Digg - What the Internet is talking about right now

Digg is the homepage of the internet, featuring the best articles, videos, and original content that the web is talking about right now. | Twitter Search, Monitoring, & Analytics

Topsy Social Media Analytics allow you to search by time and place, set alerts, and analyze sentiment for every tweet ever made. Search our entire database free.

The Latest

An automatic list of the 10 best links from Twitter right now.

BuzzSumo: Find the Most Shared Content and Key Influencers

BuzzSumo allows you to discover the most shared links and key influencers for any topic. It's free to use and you can run a search in seconds!




SlideShare, the world's largest community for sharing presentations.


Pinterest is a visual discovery tool that you can use to find ideas for all your projects and interests.

The Feature

The best content from fellow read-later app Instapaper stories, powered by BuzzFeed

The fastest rising stories from the best sites on the web.




Curating great content.

BuzzSumo: Find the Most Shared Content and Key Influencers

BuzzSumo allows you to discover the most shared links and key influencers for any topic. It's free to use and you can run a search in seconds!

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