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Updated by KarenWendy Irving on May 26, 2014
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Saturday Silliness 1

A compilation of the bizarre, funny, and downright silly stuff that came our way this week.

When It's Done With Adults, The Gender Stereotyping We Do With Kids Looks As Ridiculous As It Is

For anyone who's ever fallen into the "pink for girls, blue for boys" trap. Silly with a dose of serious from our friends at Upworthy.

Forget The Fountain Of Youth. If This Is What Ageing Is Really Like Then Sign Me Up!

"LIsten, I got so many boyfriends I can't even count 'em on my fingers and toes." Want to watch something that challenges the stereotype of the old, sexless senior citizen? This'll make your day.

Take a Walk Through This Imaginary World of Living Plant Sculptures

If you're looking to get away from the real world for just a moment, you may want to catch the next plane to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. Once there, you will be able see magical plant sculptures that you otherwise could only find in your imagination.

If You're Only 20-Something, Stop Saying You're Old

Dudes. If you're in your 20s (or 30s, or 40s) you're not old. If you really are old, watch this.

The 33 Dumbest Things That Have Ever Happened

Just when you think humans can't get any dumber, you see something like this. Upside: it will make you laugh. Downside: it will destroy your faith in humanity.

ROLLIN` SAFARI - what if animals were round?

Come on, haven't you ever wondered what would happen if all the animals in the world suddenly turned into beach balls? I know we have. This is the kind of thing that preoccupies our days.

I Tried to Be a Natural Beauty. Once. In 1974

We can't make a List of Silliness without including something from Vikki Claflin. Because she always makes us laugh, while we wince in recognition of ourselves.

These 27 People Are All Awesomely Clever... And Maybe A Little Jerky. LOLOL.

"Being clever is a great thing. You don't have to be book smart or memorize a bunch of random facts to be able to outwit others. Being quick can get you ahead in life... and it can get you a lot of laughs."

Jesus Christ's face shows up in a California pancake

That pesky Jesus, always turning up on food and freaking out poor innocent diners. (Actually, we think it looks more like Frank Zappa, but that's us.)

Honest Trailers - Inception

Keeping movies honest ►
Honest Trailers are awesome. If you watch nothing else this week, watch this. And then subscribe.

Animals Can Be Jerks - Supercut Compilation 2013!

Yes, they can. Animals can be just as mindlessly nasty as humans...or at least it looks that way.