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Updated by M Jesús García San Martín on Nov 16, 2022
Headline for Crear e-portafolios educativos
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Crear e-portafolios educativos

Recursos, enlaces de interés, herramientas, aplicaciones, reflexiones, etc., sobre la creación de e-portafolios educativos. : Votre portfolio électronique

Site du portfolio électronique :


Sencillo de gestionar, nos permite generar un e-portafolio de calidad y configurable al 100%

Website at

Wordpress también nos permite crear un e-portafolio educativo con calidad, fácil de gestionar y personalizable.

Google Sites

Muy fácil de gestionar e integrado con todas las herramientas gratuitas de Google, es una estupenda opción como e-portafolio educativo.


Muy fácil de gestionar e integrado con todas las herramientas gratuitas de Google, es una estupenda opción como e-portafolio educativo.


Una wiki es una estupenda opción para crear e-portafolios compartidos con otras personas en los que se trabaja de forma colaborativa.

dokuwiki [DokuWiki]

Wiki, una opción de calidad para la creación de e-portafolios colaborativos.

Home - Mahara ePortfolio System

Mahara is an open source ePortfolio and social networking web application. It provides users with tools to create and maintain a digital portfolio of their learning and social networking features to allow users to interact with each other.

Nuventive | Strengthening Performance in Higher Education

A New Way to Establish a Culture of Performance PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Establish a data-driven culture that engages all stakeholders institution-wide. MORE " PLANNING & ASSESSMENT Improve strategic planning and manage academic and non-academic outcomes. MORE " PROGRAM REVIEW Collect program review data and encourage thoughtful analysis school-wide.


The award-winning myeFolio empowers you with a lifelong, electronic portfolio to store and manage all your educational and career information. Create a living showcase of your education, qualifications and achievements to support your learning and advance your career. Own your future! Learn More Sign Up Now

Pebble Learning Home

PebblePad, the eportfolio system that is much more then just a Personal Learning System - it's a Personal Learning Space. PebblePad is being used in learning contexts as diverse as schools, colleges, universities and professional bodies; by learners, teachers and assessors; for Personal Development Planning, Continuing Professional Development, and Learning, Teaching and Assessment.

Elgg - Open Source Social Networking Engine.

Elgg is a leading open source social networking engine which can be used to power your social network.

LiveText | Your Partner for Continuous Improvement

LiveText is a leading provider of campus-wide solutions for strategic planning, assessment, and institutional effectiveness. Our customizable and comprehensive solutions allow for seamless integration and data reporting to effectively measure outcomes-based learning goals and institutional objectives for accreditation and continuous improvement.


Dossier, Credentials, and Committee-based Decision Making Services




Portafolio Electronico de Consortium (ePortConsortium) está diseñado para ofrecer soporte a universidades, instituciones públicas y privadas que desen trabajar con contenidos interoperables y transportables dentro de lo que se define como portafolio electronico.

WebCab Portfolio for .NET Large Screenshot

Download WebCab Portfolio for .NET - .NET, COM and XML Web service implementation of Markowitz Theory and the CAPM to construct the optimal portfolio with/without asset weight constraints with respect to the risk, return or investors utility function.

'Portafolio reflexivo profesor' on SlideShare

Slideshow search results for Portafolio reflexivo profesor

Evernote | Recuerda todo con Evernote, Skitch y todas nuestras fabulosas aplicaciones.

Can clip Web pages, store photos, type in notes, save screenshots, attach audio files, and even pinpoint their exact geographic location on a map. Those media resources are then sent into each student’s account, where they are filed and indexed to be recalled later.

VoiceThread - Conversations in the cloud

Allows users to create multimedia slideshows using images, documents, and videos. Other users can then comment using text, audio, or video.

Weebly is the easiest way to create a website, store or blog

Sitios web gratis. Buena opción para usar como e-portafolios

Yola - Make a Free Website

Make a free website with our free website builder. We offer free hosting and a free website address. Get your business on Google, Yahoo & Bing today.

REAL ePortfolio Academy

This class will provide an overview of student-centered electronic learning portfolios that also support classroom-based formative Assessment FOR Learning. Emphasis will be on how teachers can support students of all ages to use desktop, laptop, or mobile devices, focusing on (mostly free) Web 2.0 tools, to: Capture & Store Digital Evidence; Reflect on Learning; Give & Receive Feedback; Plan & Set Goals; Collaborate; Showcase Selected Work; and Evaluate Online Portfolios. (This is a generic course, with no specific tools or grade levels, although part of the process is to provide an overview of the different purposes and tools available, with an emphasis on collection, reflection, and direction/goal-setting). A major product of this course is a team developed plan for implementing electronic portfolios in K-12 education.

Edublogs - education blogs for teachers, students and schools

it was built with schools in mind, and many administrations find their security features much more mind-easing. It is especially easy to use (since it was designed for students and classrooms) and makes collaboration and sharing easy.

Portafolios: ¿Qué he echado en la mochila este año?

Para explicar el sentido del portafolio a los alumnos se puede usar la metáfora de una mochila: en ella llevamos muchas cosas al principio del curso.

Create a Website

Powerful, smart drag-and-drop tools make it easy to create a website and have it online before you even finish that cup of coffee. Why settle for just another cookie cutter design? Customize our professional website templates to your heart's content.