Listly by Knut Harald Nylænde
Just like venturing into a new market or starting a new company is a crucial decision for any entrepreneur; it equally takes crucial judgment for an investor to decide whether or not to invest in venture capital. Venture capital is a way of investing in and funding new businesses (i.e.
Some people would argue that competition is the lifeblood of business. In a recent blog entry for the Harvard Business Review, author David Shields talks about A More Productive Way to Think About Opponents. In the piece, he reveals that an unhealthy and unproductive mindset towards competition comes from a shift from a "partnership metaphor" to a "war metaphor" in dealing with the subject.
The piece is called Entrepreneurs: You're More Important Than Your Business Plan, and authors Rich Leimsider and Cheryl Dorsey make the bold claim that "the business plan is overrated" and, on the other hand, the entrepreneur himself is often overlooked. I do agree with this statement.
We tend to forget that the effects of the industrial revolution in second half of the 19th century went far beyond technological innovation with decisive increase in productivity and, consequently, a substantial drop in unit prices for literally all kind of products.
Let’s talk about management. I know management has been the topic of most of my blog entries; and a huge community of bloggers and journalists have written much about it as well; but have you ever stopped to ask what management really is about?
Tony Schwartz suggests: “If you’re a leader, here’s where you need to start: Stop measuring your people by the hours they put in, and focus instead on the value they produce. Make that your primary measurement. Then encourage your people to intermittently renew during the day (and on weekends, and over vacations), so that when they’re working, they’re really working.”
In my previous article (The Value of Collaboration in Business), I wrote about Collaboration, one of the themes featured in the Economist Intelligence Unit's Foresight 2020 report. It is one of the three themes that were developed into separate research projects following the main report.
"The future belongs to those who collaborate", so begins the Economist Intelligence Unit's (EIU's) report called Collaboration: Transforming the way business works. Released in 2007, the said report is one of the three separate reports that sprung off from an earlier report of the EIU called Foresight 2020.
It was February 21 when the news came that the brilliant financial analyst who predicted the 1987 market crash passed away. He may have died at the age of 70, but it is certain that his contributions and influence in stock market and investment will transcend his years of existence in this world.
These lessons aren’t about the law, or atomic energy, or foreign relations. Rather, they represent wisdom that should be shared and used by people everywhere.
The fast advancement of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has made it easier and simpler to access services such as health, education, commerce, and finance, online. By use of smartphones, computers and the internet, one can apply for a health card, learn from experts in math, shop, and settle utility bills without leaving the house.
It is already common for corporations to be comprised of a number of divisions, each focusing on a specialized task. A corporation structured this way is deemed to be more organized and productive. However, more often than not communication between divisions, or rather the lack of it, can be a quite a challenge.
We live in a time when reading in print is almost passé, where books are merely paperweights on tables, and notebooks are reduced to the four-cornered leafy object we can sift through.
If you want to know the most vital ingredients to economic development, look at the indicators used by economists in measuring economic growth. The problem is that most of these formalized metrics and indicators are dominantly quantitative; which means that they are principally concerned with numbers and statistics and not with the quality of those indicators that are needed to ensure development.
Most European regions are rich with folklore dating back to the "beginning of times". These stories are a key element in most traditions, reflecting the kind of moral and ideological foundations local cultures are rooted in.
According to the latest British census, the country is increasingly leaning into secularisation as more of its people are professing a lack of religion. As stated by The Economist's report of the said census, "just over a quarter of people in England and Wales say they have no religion, up from 14.8% a decade earlier", while "the proportion of Christians has fallen from 71.8% to 59.3%".
Norge har i dag seks ubåter av den såkalte Ula-klassen. Det er relativt små ubåter på "bare" 60 meters lengde, med dieseldrift og en operasjonsradius på rundt 5 000 nautiske mil. Det at de er små er bare en fordel langs vår ruskete kyst med øyer, skjær og fjorder.
I en artikkel for en tid tilbake skrev jeg om Teknologirådets forsøk på å gjøre storting og regjering oppmerksomme på at det finner sted en utvikling av teknologi og konsepter for bruk av droner som kunne redusere behovet for 54 nye kampfly til en innkjøpspris på mer enn en milliard kroner pr fly, og driftsomkostninger som ser ut til å bli minst det dobbelte, trolig det tredobbelte i forhold til dagens F-16 jagerfly ( Kampfly og droner | Knut Harald Nylænde).
Det er en dårlig bevart hemmelighet at det har vært rivalisering og "ondt blod" mellom Forsvarets spesialstyrker og Politiets beredskapstropp helt fra disse enhetene ble opprettet på begynnelsen av 1980-tallet og frem til i dag, med svingninger i intensitet underveis.
In November 2011 we could read in the technical magazine Gizmo Insider that the United States Air Force had successfully developed many different prototypes of remote control drones that resemble birds, and even flies . Popping up in video games and some popular action films, these drones are the wave of the future of covert missions and battle, said a military expert commentator.
Moxie seeks to be well diversified through multiple seed investments and intuitive investments. The Moxie Group invests in diversified portfolios of businesses, but with some coherent criteria. Investments are carried out through equity acquisition and by debt financing. Typical targets for investments are start-ups, angel and venture companies, in addition to restructuring projects as well as real estate investments.
I en artikkel i 'The Economist' av 24. november står det å lese på teknologisidene om et pågående prosjekt i England som om bare få uker vil resultere i en flygning fra Warton flyplass in Lancashire mot Skottland med et tomotors passasjerfly av typen Jetstream uten pilot i cockpit.