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Updated by Veronika Bondarenko on Jan 08, 2021
Headline for All The Best BuzzFeed Quizzes
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All The Best BuzzFeed Quizzes

BuzzFeed is a site that is known for its wide range of silly quizzes. Let's make a list of some of the most hilariously ridiculously quizzes and tests this site has ever seen.

Who Would Play Your Best Friend In The Movie Version Of Your Life?

That movie that's going to come out soon.

Which Disney Princess Are You?

Again, this is a quiz that will reveal all you ever wanted to know about yourself.

Which "Friends" Character Are You?

We know that you're secretly hoping for Gunther.

What Age Are You, Really?

Afraid to know the answer to this question?

Would You Pass School Maths Now?

Probably not, to be honest.

Which Ryan Gosling Character Is Your Soulmate?

Because every girl needs to know the answer to this quiz.

Were You A Teen In The Early '00s?

If you're feeling nostalgic...

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How Obsessed With Food Are You?

Chances are, very.

Are You Actually A Hipster?

Are you? Are you, really?