Listly by Back40 HQ
Having an emergency binder means that you have all vital information in one place.... just grab it and GO!
Because this information is sensitive... KEEP IT IN A SECRET AND SAFE PLACE!!! But be sure you can access it quickly!!!
All family members
Extended Family- with a notation of relationship
Doctors and Pediatricians - with a notation of patient name
Dentists - with a notation of Patient name
Create aCover Sheet in a Clear Sheet ProtectorCover Sheet in a Clear Sheet Protector
Insurance Company name, phone number, policy number
Make copies of all policies
Cover Sheet in Sheet ProtectorCover Sheet in Sheet Protector
listing Medical and Dental Insurance company name, phone number and policy number
Include a photo copy of the insurance card- front and back
Slide the Social Security Cards into plastic sleeves plastic sleeves
, and include them in the binder.... alternatively, photocopy the cards, and slide them in the binder... for each member of the family
Add a current photo (or two) of each family member in a Photo Storage Page Photo Storage Page
This should be updated every 6 months.
Every member of the family should be fingerprinted. Keep those prints safe in your binder.
Fingerprint Kit for KidsFingerprint Kit for Kids
works or the whole family... remember to order one each.
Bank phone number and accout numbers
Include investment accounts
Credit Card information.... maybe even a copy of the card
Banks may be closed, or you may not have access to funds for a few days or longer. Keep some cash on hand.
Walk around your house one day and film your possessions. You may think you will remember everything, but you won't. A DVD DVD
will jog the memory if your home is lost.
Include Individual photos of expensive items
Rental Property
Vacation Property