A list of free (and a few cheap) apps for the classroom and campus
Use images and add edits, comments, and personal drawings to enhance them in whatever way best suits the needs. After you finish, send it via email or social media
Free, simple, fast online meetings. Share your screen instantly with anyone. It also allows users to become more mobile while sharing and showing their screens
A companion app for the website, which creates mind maps that allow for images, text and collaboration. Mindmaps made online can be viewed using this app
Touch Cast
This app creates videos unlike any other app! Use it to capture a video to add to the current one you're filming. Create newscast-like video and many more with built-in V-apps
Video Star app
Create a video using built in music and effects. Load directly to social media, email it or send it to your camera roll
Paper 53
Create beautiful drawings on virtual paper with this app. Beautiful water color, pencil, or ink tools to use. Has an in-app store for additional purchases. Share it on social media, camera roll, or email.
Go beyond mindmaps by using this tools which creates directional maps in many different styles and colors. Add icons and text, share files using Dropbox, email or networked printer.
Adobe Voice
We’re excited to see amazing stories from so many classrooms using Voice! Educators, we’ve added a quick guide to using Voice in the classroom that you can find on the sign-in screen.
Create, share and discover fun
photo-video stories, set to music
you love!