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Updated by Wendy Liao on May 10, 2014
Wendy Liao Wendy Liao
18 items   1 followers   0 votes   192 views

High School Chinese Language B Links

Resources for Chinese Language B students

zondle: welcome

IB : 24402-48349;
IGCSE: 24402-48347
Beginner : 24402-48927

UWCSEAEastHSChinese | Quizlet

Quizlet is a lightning fast way to memorize vocabulary lists. It's like flashcards, but much more fun and interactive.

nciku - Online English Chinese Dictionary, Learn Chinese Mandarin Online

Chinese-English and English-Chinese dictionary with Chinese handwriting recognition, pinyin translation, audio pronunciation, personalized vocab lists, picture theme words and useful Chinese conversations.

汉语字典 汉典





宽频影视频道提供正版记录片、电影、电视剧、动画片、电视节目等视频在线观看服务,下设:记录片、影视剧场、动画片、百家讲堂、文化汇、经典重温、学汉语等 栏目,致力于以视频多媒体为载体,对外推广、传播中国汉语言文化。

Chinese with Listening

Introduction If you have a strong understanding of written and spoken Mandarin, taking the Chinese with Listening Subject Test is a great way to demonstrate your knowledge. Whether you learned the language in a high school class or outside of school, this test can help you highlight your achievements and interest in the Chinese language.

《读者》杂志在线阅读 | 木木


The Chinese Reading World

Welcome to the UVA Chinese reading program! This program is designed for students who are currently enrolled in Chinese language classes in the Division of Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures. The purpose of this reading program is to provide various extracurricular reading materials suitable for students at different levels.






Online tools for helping foreign language teachers and students get the most out of language education.



Chinese Reading World

Copyright © The University of Iowa Chinese Program The Chinese Reading World is exclusively used for on-line reading from this website. Any other usage of lessons from this website must obtain permission from the website owner.

CCTV Learn Chinese 学汉语 - Free Mandarin Video Lessons

Multi-level series with 2000 lessons provided by CCTV. Travel in Chinese; Growing up with Chinese

Chinese Voices Project - Education

Short Chinese audiotexts for Chinese reading and listening practice.

Linguee | English-Chinese dictionary

Find Chinese translations in our English-Chinese dictionary and in 1,000,000,000 translations.