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Updated by Oliver Scott on Jun 13, 2019
Oliver Scott Oliver Scott
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B2B Telemarketing and Appointment Setting tips

Ten B2B Telemarketing Gaffes To Watch For In Your UK Campaign

You know that conducting your own B2B telemarketing campaign in the United Kingdom can be a costly affair. But you also know that, when it comes to proactive means of direct marketing, that this medium of appointment setting is also the most effective.

Ten Steps To A Better Telemarketing Call

Doing business on the phone may sound too old-school for some marketers, but you have to admit that there are some business owners and associates who appreciate a good B2B telemarketing call.

Can Constantly Improving Telemarketing Be Bad For The UK Market?

In business, you need to constantly improve your operations. This is the reality, and a necessity, for the continued survival of your business in the United Kingdom. And in terms of B2B telemarketing, this can actually be the difference between success and failure. You know that getting a lot of sales leads will depend on [...]

Leonardo Da Vinci's Lessons On Appointment Setting Innovations

When it comes to innovation, we all have heard a multitude of names who are the paragons of it, from Steve Jobs to Zig Ziglar. They have made a lot of contribution in the field of appointment setting and lead generation. But these people are way too modern, to be honest.

What To Do When Outsourcing Your Telemarketing Campaign?

To be honest, the word 'outsourcing' still leaves a bad taste in the mouth of many marketers. Well, this cannot be helped. After all, this is a business strategy that is fraught with risks and variables that are simply just too troubling as you try generating good B2B leads.

Hiring Mistakes That Will Ruin Your Telemarketing Team

Telemarketing can be a very stressful enterprise, one that has a high rejection rate, but this is also the same task that can bring in a lot of rewards when done right. This requires that you choose the right people for the job. Now this is something that you should focus on.

The 5 Best Features of a B2B Telemarketing Services Company

Before the product trainings, sales pitches, pipelines lists and dreaded phone calls, there's the telemarketing services company. Every so often, marketers forget to check whether or not the basic things are still intact, and that doing so can help ensure that both the company and the clients are in good, capable hands.

Learn To Fail Profitably In Lead Generation

Is there such a thing as failing profitably? In the world of lead generation, this may sound like a very dangerous idea. After all, the only real measure for a company's continued survival is its success in generating sales leads. So what about failure, and its connection to making a profit?

Outsourced Telemarketers - What To Ask Them During The Interview?

You have got to admit, you cannot do everything on your own. This is especially true in marketing. There are some things in that you can do, while there are some that you cannot, like looking and nurturing sales leads. In cases like these, it would be best for you to seek the help of [...]

Unresponsive Prospects? Your Telemarketing Team Needs A New Approach

One of the most annoying periods of your appointment setting campaigns is to get in touch with a business prospect, begin a promising sales leads nurturing process and then, out the blue, they no longer talk to you. And no matter how much you try to contact them, try to get their business, they are [...]

Is Outsourcing Good For Your Business?

I know, this is a topic that has long been a subject of many fierce debates, both on the pro and anti sides. While their points do have merit (loss of local jobs vs. gain of cheaper foreign workers, for starters) we still cannot deny that outsourcing is here to stay.

How To Make Your Appointment Setting Team More Effective?

One of the biggest challenges that could face your appointment setting team actually deals with the job itself: generation of qualified sales leads. After all, while it is true that anyone can generate sales leads, making sure that they fit the qualified part is the tricky task.

Do You Have The Right Telemarketers For Your UK Campaign?

When it comes to your UK lead generation, having experienced professional telemarketers at your disposal is highly beneficial. Indeed, hiring just any UK telemarketer, especially the "cheap" ones, can have a negative impact on your lead generation campaign. When choosing your telemarketing services provider, remember that some are better than most.

How To Ditch Bad Sales Leads From Your Calling List

The nice thing about using B2B telemarketing in the United Kingdom is the ease on how you gain the information you need. I mean, you can do all the research online or surveys and the like, but nothing sure beats talking to the actual party in question.

How to Level-up in the B2B Telemarketing 'Expertise Ladder'

The marketing world is like a hollow hill on the ground full of hardworking ants, striving to work for the colony but also wishing to become something else other than a peasant of a much bigger reign. Now if you're a B2B telemarketer who works just like everyone else, your chances of standing out from the rest is slimmer than an ant's antennae.

How Apple Became The Leakiest Company In Tech

At some point in September, Apple CEO Tim Cook is going to stride on stage in San Francisco.He's going to look out at the crowd of media people, Apple employees, and technology industry VIPs and say, "We're really excited to show what we've been working on."

What To Do With Talkative Telemarketing Prospects?

At one point or another, you will experience selling something or doing a business transaction on the phone. That is an unavoidable possibility in marketing. More so if you are in the telemarketing business, then you really have to be manning the phones.Here are few useful tips on how to handle telemarketing prospects who love to talk.