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Updated by Hannah Morgan on Oct 21, 2024
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Career Development Carnival: April 2014

This is the list of tips and resources on career management, job search and personal branding submitted by careers professionals. Organized by Career Development Carnival- Lynn Dessert and Hannah Morgan.

Featuring Executive Career Brand, Chameleon Resumes, Design Resumes, The Job Quest, JobMob, Acacia HR Solutions, Career Pivot, Mildred Talabi, WorkingKind, Business Fitness, Ryan Search & Consulting, Deborah Mourey
Key Hiring Question: When & Why Will You Leave? |
When you are interviewing for a job... probably one of the last things on your mind... is why and when you might leave. You're thinking... I don't even have the job... why would I think about when I might leave? Great companies make this complex question part of the interview process. Deborah Mourey, Hell In The Hallway
How To Tailor Your Resume to the Job
Tailoring Your Resume Per Job is Essential to an Effective Job Search You can have the exact experience that an employer is looking for, but if it doesn't show on your resume, you'll never get in the door to tell them about it. Many job seekers have one very well written resume that they send ...
Sabrina Baker, Acacia HR Solutions
Networking Strategically to Your Next Position - Career Pivot

Networking strategically is key to step #3 of the Cure for Career Insanity, asking for what you want in your career. What the heck is networking strategically?
Marc Miller, Career Pivot

Getting off the "leash" of Technology and Life

When I see or hear the word leash, I think of an animal that is being controlled or kept in check like a dog. How often have you seen signs that instruct us to keep our pets leashed? I see them often. Most of us are on the "leash" of technology and life.
Dan Ryan, Search for Authentic Leadership

Why back door is often the right door to get a job

The toughest concept I work on with my clients is the "back door" concept. All too often, the assumption is that the only way to get a job today is through the online job boards, which is the front door. The problem is that everyone goes in through that front door.
Julie Walraven, Design Resumes

Eating Lunch at Your Desk Can Hurt Your Job Promotion Potential

How often do you find yourself eating lunch at your desk? If you decide to work through lunch you could be hurting your chances for growth opportunity. Not just because companies are now looking for balanced employees , but perhaps because you may be missing out on opportunities to network with other people. Lisa Rangel, Chameleon Resumes

Give a Little. Get a Lot. | Generosity Matters.

Doing isn't giving, although doing is required. At work we have jobs to do. The better we do them, the more likely we'll be valued and rewarded.
Dawn Lennon, Business Fitness

Why ad agencies and all offices need a Joan Hollaway

Joan Hollaway's curvy sexy walk through the Mad Men offices may have distracted some viewers from her path to success, for herself and the firm. The red head played by Christina Hendricks, lights up the conference room and has climbed from her role as head secretary to office manager to director of operations - and then became partner at Sterling Cooper, the fictitious advertising firm of the AMC hit which just started its final season.
Vickie Elmer, WorkingKind

The Biggest Job Search Problem With LinkedIn | JobMob

LinkedIn might be great for job seekers, but it has one big flaw. Why LinkedIn is great for your job search No employer likes to think their employees are actively looking for a job outside the company, and that's regardless of whether you're doing it on company time or not.
Jacob Share, JobMob

Extra Effort Brings Extra Flavor to Your Resume

I love soups made from scratch. The aromas, the explosion of fresh flavors from all the ingredients... yum! You just can't get the same culinary experience from a can of condensed soup or a package of dried bits and powder that has to be reconstituted.
Melissa Cooley, The Job Quest

ASK MILDRED: How do I find a job as an older, experienced jobseeker?

I get asked a lot of questions about job-seeking on and offline, so today I'm introducing a new feature on my blog to help provide you with some answers - " Ask Mildred "! About once every fortnight (maybe more), I will answer your burning career or job search questions personally, or bring in special guests with expertise in the area to provide a different insight.
Mildred Talabi

Tips to Adapt to Tough Economic Times

I wanted to share insights C. Michael Reimringer recently shared with a networking group about how to cope and adapt to tough economic times. As he noted to me privately, many of these same actions were taken by our elders during the Great Depression.
Lynn Dessert, Elephants At Work

2 LinkedIn Personal Branding Tips You Don't Know

LinkedIn is undeniably the executive job-seeker's most important and powerful online personal branding tool. To improve my LinkedIn profile-building skills, I've just completed Reach Personal Branding's new Certified Social Branding Analyst program, which focuses squarely on LinkedIn training for executive branding strategists and executive career coaches.
Meg Guiseppi, Executive Career Brand

Obtaining the recognition you deserve

What role does recognition play in your career path and how do you obtain the recognition you deserve? Many workplaces today forget that in order to help employees feel part of the team ongoing recognition is needed. Often the hardest and best contributors are taken for granted and cease to receive the recognition that keeps them intrinsically motivated.
Beth Sears

Communication Gone Bad (And Viral)

Have you ever sent an email in anger or frustration? Who hasn't, right? Well, you may want to nip that bad habit in the bud right now. Hopefully, the saga of a young job seeker's outreach to a senior exec will result in lessons learned by both newbies and seasoned pros.
Hannah Morgan, Career