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Updated by Dave Townsend on Apr 24, 2014
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Sites for Medical Students

Here is a list of medical student resources from around the web, based on the original list I created here: (and crowd sourced from over 100 awesome Australian med students)

Home - Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA)

The ASCIA 2014 Annual Conference of the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) will be held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre from Wednesday 10th to Saturday 13th September 2014. Further information is available at Registration and abstract submission will be available from mid April to mid Jul 2014.

Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA)

DAA is the peak body of dietetic and nutrition professionals providing strategic leadership in food and nutrition through empowerment, advocacy, education, accreditation and communication.

Australian Psychological Society : APS Homepage

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) is the largest professional association for psychologists in Australia, representing over20,000 members. The APS is committed to advancing psychology as a discipline and profession.

Speech Pathology Australia

Speech Pathology Australia is the only national body / association for the Australian speech pathology profession.

World Federation Of Societies of Anaesthesiologists

The World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA) unites anaesthesiologists around the world. As the only global alliance of its kind, the WFSA works together with national, regional, and specialist organisations, to facilitate outreach, and to promote the highest standards of patient care.


I spent a few years teaching anatomy here for a living.It wasn't EM but it was a lot of fun. I've been doing some anatomy teaching for about 4 years now. My knowledge is still disappointingly thin but it's a veritable colossus compared to what it was when I left med school.

AnatomyZone * High-quality 3D Anatomy Tutorials!

AnatomyZone is a constantly growing directory of high-quality, easy to understand 3D anatomy tutorials!

Draw It To Know It - Neuroanatomy Tutorials

Master neuroanatomy with Draw It To Know It's unique process, including hundreds of narrated tutorials, assessment exams, and supplementary material.

GetBodySmart: Interactive Tutorials and Quizzes On Human Anatomy and Physiology

A study guide to learn about human anatomy, human physiology, anatomy and physiology, and the human body systems. Included are many anatomy and physiology quizzes and animations.

Medical Gross Anatomy - List of Dissections

This site is not for 2013 M1 Anatomy Sessions. If you are current M1 student click here to the go to the current site.

Nerve Injury, Positions Of The Hand - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

Educational video describing the positions of the hand and fingers associated with injury to the ulnar and median nerves. Become a friend on facebook: http:/...

Zygote Body

We are excited to release the first version of Zygote Body™ and look forward to what the future holds. Zygote is committed to supporting and developing Zygote Body™, making the Zygote Body™ online experience even better.

BioDigital Human

The BioDigital Human is a virtual 3D body that brings to life thousands of medically accurate anatomy objects and health conditions in an interactive Web-based platform

Cancer Australia | A national government agency working to reduce the impact of cancer on all Australians

A national government agency working to reduce the impact of cancer on all Australians. Provides information on the disease, research and clinical trials.

Welcome to Cancer Council Australia - Cancer Council Australia

Find evidence based cancer information on prevention, research, treatment and support provided by Australia's peak independent cancer authority.

Blaufuss Multimedia - Heart Sounds and Cardiac Arrhythmias

Heart Sounds and Murmurs CD-ROM: translated into Spanish and Japanese editions, used in medical schools worldwide, this program is the classic reference for cardiac auscultation. .. Heart Sounds Proficiency Test: this interactive multimedia program has been used to measure auscultation proficiency of physicians and allied health professionals at all levels of training.

Cardiology Topic Reviews and Definitions |

Cardiology topics are reviewed including comprehensive summaries, quiz questions, clinical trials, games and more.

DermNet NZ. Facts about the skin.

Authoritative facts about the skin from DermNet New Zealand.

Services In Western Australia - Eating Disorders Program - Services A - Z - Child and Adolescent Health Service

The Child and Adolescent Health Service in Western Australia is a statewide organisation which encompasses Princess Margaret Hospital for Children and Child and Adolescent Community Health and provides first-class health care and prevention services to young West Australians.