Listly by M Jesús García San Martín
Lista con las "misiones de la semana" de los participantes en el curso de Formación en Red #REAaicle_INTEF. Edición Marzo-Mayo 2014.
"Misión 1: 3, 2, 1. Nos conocemos mejor".
Voilà une nouvelle mission, mais puisque nous sommes là parce que vous êtes là, j'aimerais bien partager ma présentation avec nos followers et nos collègues de REAILCLE. J'espère bien que cette fois ce sera réussi. A tout de suite.
Tellagami is a mobile app that lets you create and share a quick animated video called a Gami.
By Suso
Mira el cómic de que acabo de crear en Vé y haz el tuyo, tan fácil como hacer clic y arrastrar.
What should we know about the new Spanish teacher just arrived in this plane? Why is she in Romania? What are her favorite activities and her dream job? She has studied Literature and Architecture and speaks some Romanian. ... Subtitle movie ! BombayTV by
None-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at . Make your own animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free tool that allows you to develop cool animated clips and animated presentations for your website, office meeting, sales pitch, nonprofit fundraiser, product launch, video resume, or anything else you could use an animated explainer video.
Interests Education Skills Experience References The Failure Resume of Carmen I'm a dedicated VET teacher with several yearsof experience in failures and unexpected outcomesBiggest mistakesWhat I learned.What I'll do differently in the futureEducation:College, University, or EquivalentCarmenActivites:Likes:Name of Reference #1Problems are POTENTIALS Obstacles are OPPORTUNITIESChallenges are SOLUTIONSSpecial Training:Instead of becoming an English teacher now I teach CLIL curriculumI always liked English languageI didn't study in CLIL at University although CLIL allows you to thrive in an ever-changing world.College, University, or EquivalentCollege, University, or EquivalentWork ExperienceOct 2010 - June 2011Tourist guideEverybody has a role in the group.
Mira el cómic de que acabo de crear en Vé y haz el tuyo, tan fácil como hacer clic y arrastrar.